How to properly train in the fitness room. Instructions for beginners

For many newcomers, going to the gym for the first time is a real stress. There are a lot of incomprehensible exercise machines, which you don’t know what they do and you don’t know how to use them. What to do? You can turn to the trainer or ask more experienced visitors. But if you are afraid, we asked for you from the trainer of the premium club World Class Red Side Alexey Zakharov.

The fitness trainer told us how to use the most important fitness equipment for a beginner and put together an effective training program for your first trip to the gym.

Exercise equipment and exercises

Seated horizontal press

Exercise for developing chest muscles.
What muscle groups are working: first of all, the large pectoral muscle, as well as triceps and anterior deltoid.
Technique: On any pressing exercise, the shoulder blades should be constantly aligned at any point of the movement. It’s important to control the load on the pectoral muscle, rather than squeezing the shoulders or triceps. Make sure the angle between the shoulder and the body is 80 degrees, which is slightly less than a right angle.

Vertical pull from above (imitation of pull-ups)

Exercise for back muscles.
What muscle groups work: broadest muscles of the back, helps biceps.
Exercise technique: Bring your shoulder blades together so that the load goes to your back. Breathe correctly: exhale on the effort, i.e. when pulling on yourself, inhale when pulling back.

Overhead press

Exercises for the development of shoulder muscles.
What muscle groups work: deltoids: anterior lateral and posterior, triceps and upper chest help.
Technique: bring your shoulder blades together and breathe correctly. Due to the fixed trajectory of movement in the trainers other mistakes are unlikely.

Frontal pull

Exercises for the development of back muscles.
What muscle groups work: upper back muscles, rhomboids, posterior deltoids, biceps helps.
Technique: it is important to keep the shoulder blades aligned and breathe correctly.

Triceps trainer

Isolated exercise for triceps.
What muscle groups are working: triceps
Execution technique: you should fix the arm in the shoulder and extend it in the elbow, without turning your back.

Biceps exercise

Isolated exercise for biceps.
What muscle groups are working: biceps
Technique: fix the arm in the shoulder and bend at the elbow without including the back.

Leg press

Exercise for legs.
What muscle groups work: the anterior and posterior surface of the thigh and gluteal muscles.
Technique: the lower back is pressed, the main weight is on the heels, try to activate the gluteal muscles. It is important not to extend the knees all the way, so as not to block the knee joint.

How to train

For a beginner, it is ideal to perform all these exercises in a workout, that is, to train the whole body at once. The order is better to train the antagonist muscles in turn, i.e. alternate chest-back, flexors-extensors. At the end of training you can add exercises on the abs: 3-6 approaches of 15-20 repetitions. To develop the cardiovascular system, you can add cardio 1-2 times a week, but if the goal is to gain muscle mass, you should not do a lot of cardio.

This program can be performed for 6-8 months, gradually increasing weight. After 6 months of this program you can start working with free weights, include squats with a barbell and deadlifts in the program. At the same time it is important to eat properly and have time to recover, as well as get enough sleep.

How many repetitions to do: focus on 12-15 repetitions per approach. Perform each exercise in 3 approaches. Choose the weight so that it is heavy, but you can perform all repetitions with correct technique.

How much to train: for a beginner it is better to do exercises for all muscle groups. Train 3 times a week for 40-60 minutes, so your body will have time to recover, but at the same time will not lose tone and is constantly in the process of building muscle mass.

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