Cómo entender que te duele el corazón: 4 síntomas a tener en cuenta
Often the pain in the chest appears not at all because of the heart muscle.
MD, pediatrician, nutritionist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians.
How to distinguish heart pain from clamps and chest pain?
Heart pain is probably one of the most common complaints with which people seek medical help. Painful sensations in the chest do not always indicate that it is the heart that hurts. Pain can occur both in cardiologic problems and in diseases of the nervous, musculoskeletal, respiratory, digestive systems.
We tell you what symptoms can talk about the true pain in the heart.
Pain radiates to the neck, under the shoulder blade
Pain has a pressing, burning, compressive character, localized centrally behind the sternum. It can go to the left arm, under the shoulder blade, in the neck, clavicle, lower jaw, interscapular region.
Patients characterize pain in the heart area in different ways. Some describe it as pressing, pulling, aching, which is characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the heart. Others have unbearable, burning pain, they occur more often in myocardial infarction, angina pectoris.
Pain occurs with physical exertion
And also with psycho-emotional tension or other perceptible increase in blood pressure. Pain sensations last more than 3-5 minutes and pass when the provoking factor (the same physical activity, increased pressure, emotional stress) stops.
Pain is relieved by certain medications
If unpleasant sensations pass after taking drugs from the group of nitrates, for example, nitroglycerin, in this case, most likely, it is the heart that hurts.
The pain is accompanied by shortness of breath
Heart pain may cause a feeling of shortness of breath and shortness of breath.
Important! Only a doctor can find out the real cause of pain in the heart area.
If you experience unbearable pain behind the sternum, which does not pass for more than 5-10 minutes, accompanied by dizziness, severe weakness, cold sweat, difficulty breathing, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. Such symptoms can speak of serious heart problems. Such conditions are extremely dangerous, you should not experiment with them.