Infantile, can’t stand up for himself, and 3 more signs of an internet “tube” type.

Recently, youth slang sets the tone for communication. More and more often, not only on the Web, you can meet funny definitions and characteristics of people. For example, men over 35 with beer bellies are called “skoofs”. And in relation to young guys you can hear strange words: “chechik”, “masik”, “stroke” and “tube”.

All the terms have a joking coloring. Take them seriously, of course, should not. But to understand the typology of youth slang is very curious and interesting.

Let’s dwell in detail on the concept of “tube”. Why exactly with this object associated with young people? Has the meaning of the word changed since its appearance in youth slang?

Who is a “tube”?

The concept came into the vocabulary of Internet users from social networks. It is they who now set trends and are the main platform for new linguistic puns and expressions. There is a version that in 2022, a user with the name Zarykovskaya characterized her friends with funny definitions. Among them were “chechik”, “masik”, “stroke” and “tube”.

Later, the trend became viral and memes began to be created on its basis. Definitions were given to characters of books, movies, TV series, popular stars. Now you can find a lot of images with funny captions.

“Tyubik” is called a young male from 18 to 27 years of flimsy build, unwilling to take responsibility, often falling into hysterics, with a depressed mood and thinking only about their feelings. This type is opposed to the “masik”.

Such young people are compared to “tube” because of their unwillingness to do sports and excessive thinness. That is, the word carries an obvious negative coloring. In colloquial speech, “tubik” can be called in a different way squishy, slobbery, weak. It is used to hurt the opponent.

After “tube” began to be called not only thin young people. Under the type fell and attractive, looking after themselves representatives of the stronger sex. There is a version that “tube” girls call former suitors, about whom it was embarrassing to remember. They endow them with negative characteristics and describe them as abusers, suppressing and oppressing others. The “tube” is manipulative, trying to dominate.

The main characteristics of the “tube”

Take the risk of checking yourself off the list. Perhaps someone you know may fit the description. But do not forget that this is a joke classification, does not have any scientific component. Therefore, it should be treated as entertainment.

1. Wears oversize clothes

“Tubes” try to hide their physical data, so they choose clothes several sizes larger. They prefer wide pants, oversize sweatshirts, caps. In this case, the color scheme of the outfit can be bright and shouting. Caps are also an indispensable attribute of “tubes”.

2. has long hair

To give solidity, “tubes” grow their hair. Often young people of this type wear a long rack, cut bangs. They can collect their hair in a bundle.

3. Shows infantilism

“Tyubikami” is characterized by psychological immaturity. They are not ready to take responsibility for themselves, shifting responsibilities, looking for support from close people. Can fall into hysterics at the occurrence of various problems.

4. Likes to stand out

Despite the desire to hide their figure behind a layer of oversize clothes, “tubes” try to be in the center of attention. It is important for them to stand out with actions, words, gestures. They can talk loudly, get into conversations unnecessarily.

5. Can’t stand up for themselves

Insecurity is the main sign of the “tube”. Despite the fact that this type of young man likes to stand out, to assert their rights, to enter into a dispute, and even more so to apply self-defense techniques, he will not be able to. For “tube” it is easier to hide from view, run away or interrupt the relationship when it requires balanced decisions.

“Tubes” in movies and cartoons

Heroes of favorite cinematic works could not remain without attention. Internet users immediately after the appearance of new slang words began to assign names to characters from the typology. Popular TV series, movies were analyzed, and even cartoon characters fell under the categories of youth slang.

“Lord of the Rings.”

Four brave hobbits, who were part of the Fellowship of the Ring, perfectly fit the typology. By their behavior, manner of speaking, manifesting themselves, it is possible to identify all four characteristics.

Frodo was honored with the title of “masik” for his good looks, steadfastness and courage.

Samwise (Sam) was honored with the title of “tubby.” Possibly due to showing weakness at some points.

Peregrin Took was categorized as a “chechik” and the hobbit Meriadoc was categorized as a “shtick”.

“Harry Potter”

Characters of the most famous wizard movies from Hogwarts also did not go unnoticed. To each character, Internet users gave their slang definitions.

Harry Potter is, of course, a “masik.” He is someone who never betrays, keeps his word and shows willpower. All the girls like him.

Ron Weasley got the role of “tube”. In this category, he was put in this category for his fear of spiders, laziness and lack of focus.

“Stroke” in Harry Potter was Draco Malfoy for his connection with dark forces, secrecy.

“Chechik” is Cedric Diggory. A nice, interesting guy, with his own merits, but not really standing out from the others. With them it is pleasant to communicate, but no more.


Even the heroes of cartoons got into the list of types. Cute animals of a peculiar form conquered not only children. For their witty statements and comical actions, they are loved and adults. Here’s how the Smeshariki were categorized.

Barash Barash had the honor of becoming a “masik”. He is characterized as caring, stable and respectful of women.

Moose Losyash is included in the number of “tubes” for emotional outbursts, the ability to manipulate.

Penguin Pin is characterized by users as a “touch”. He is secretive, associated with forbidden activities, sometimes shows guile.

The hedgehog is a “chechik”, according to the typology from youth slang. He is cheerful, loves adventures, and is pleasant to be friends with.

This is only a small part of Internet memes that are found on the vastness of the web. Typology has been subjected to almost all the heroes of famous movies, books and even characters of games.

It is worth remembering that “tube” – this is not an offensive swear word, although they endow this concept with negative characteristics. Such a phenomenon – a joke and a way to play with verbal constructions. Do not take on your account statements of this kind.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :llorar: :cool: :flecha: :???: :?: :!:
