Instead of breakfast in bed: 5 asanas for morning exercise

Yoga not only tones all muscle groups, but also allows you to relax. That is why many people prefer it as a morning exercise. After all, you can practice it without even getting out of bed. These five asanas will help you wake up and feel your body.

Sukhasana pose

Starting position: sitting on the bed.

Sit in sukhasana pose – also called “Turkish-style”. Put your feet together and keep your knees apart. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Feel how your arm rises and falls.

Important! Inhale and exhale through your nose.

As you continue this exercise, start breathing through your abdomen. You can feel the hand on your abdomen moving back and forth. As you inhale, your belly feels like it is bulging, and as you exhale, it retracts. Exhale naturally. Repeat several times. At the end, breathe “fully” – both belly and chest at the same time.

Side bend

Starting position: sitting on the bed.

Take your right arm to the side, and point your left arm upwards. You should feel the scapulae diverge. Repeat the same actions to the other side.

Tilt your head sideways

Starting position: sitting on the bed.

Use your right hand to point your head to the right, while the left hand is left. Change position: now take your right hand to the side, and use your left hand to tilt your head.

“Yes – no”

Starting position: sitting on the bed.

Put your hands behind your head, bend your elbows, keeping them parallel to your head. Press on the back of the head, nodding alternately up and down and left and right.

Circular movements

Starting position: sitting on the bed.

Lean to the right and like clockwise, continue to gently rotate the body in a circle. Then do the same in the other direction.

Important: the movements should not cause pain and discomfort.

“Cat – cow” sitting

Starting position: sitting on the edge of the bed, feet on the mat.

Usually this exercise is performed on all fours on the floor, but in this case – sitting on the bed. On the inhale, pull the abdomen, chest and solar plexus downward, keeping a slow deep breath. On the exhale, the pelvis moves in the opposite direction, the back arches upward, and the chin rests on the chest.
Inhale – “cow” (flexion), exhale – “cat” (rounding of the back). During the exercise, watch your breathing.

Pose with the knee at the chest

Starting position: sitting on the edge of the bed, feet on the mat.

Start alternately lifting the legs bent at the knees. This exercise mobilizes the hip joints that were not active during sleep. Add rotations in the thoracic region, as if doing “bicycle” sitting up.

Pause briefly before the next exercise.

Next, draw your right knee toward you and do a few ankle rotations, first to one side, then the other. Then open your right hip joint by placing your right heel on your left thigh. You can bend downward if desired. Switch legs, repeat the same movements.

Important! Do not put pressure on the knee, it is in the hip joint that the opening occurs. Try to reach down with your hands.

Head to knee pose

Starting position: sitting on the edge of the bed, feet on the mat.

Extend your right leg, pull the toe towards you and with a straight back, lower yourself down. Find a comfortable position that stretches the back of the thigh well. Switch legs, repeat the same movements.

Comfortable pose

Starting position: sitting on the bed.

Sit on the bed, relax your feet. Reach upwards with the top of your head and open your palms.
Hold in this position for a few cycles of breathing.

For more information on how to properly perform the exercises, see the video “Championship”.

Now you are set for a new day and energized!

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