Is the kisel so useful and why it is given to children?

A faceted glass with a pink liquid – this is the idea of soursop that many people have left after school. In fact, this gelatinous dish has been around for centuries and is considered a medicinal drink. Let’s find out why, together with nutritionist Anna Glumova.

What are the useful properties of kisel?

Thanks to its viscous texture, kisel well envelops the gastric mucosa, thereby creating a protective barrier. It helps to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes the gastric mucosa, well satiates and has a pleasant taste. That is why kisel is included in the children’s diet and medical menus for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, inflammation, etc.

The drink also helps to improve the intestinal function: it contains corn or potato starch – a natural prebiotic.

Prebiotics – food for good bacteria in the intestinal microflora.

From what is the preparation of kisel?

It is worth paying special attention to the composition of the kisel. The original recipe includes only three ingredients: berry morsels, sugar and starch. It should not contain dyes and flavorings, which is often found in store versions.

The caloric content of the kisel is low, but depends on the amount of sugar in the recipe: it can vary from 80 to 160 kcal per one glass (about 200ml).

The original Russian recipe for kisel included whole grains of oats and implied their long (several hours) cooking on low heat. In taste and properties, the dish resembled the classic English oatmeal on water. It was the gluten derived from the cereal that enveloped and soothed the stomach.

Later, sweet berry versions took the place of oatmeal sourdough. And oat gluten was replaced by starch – so the product became mass-produced, but its benefits became less. With the exclusion of oats from the recipe, most of the important vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, B vitamins, etc., disappeared.

How to prepare a useful kisel?

Modern versions of kisel more resemble a dessert: the abundance of flavoring additives and sugar overrides the useful properties. It is because of the latter that kisel is not recommended for people with diabetes and thinning. In this case, a useful alternative can be easily prepared at home.

Boil any frozen or fresh berries with the addition of erythritol (a natural sugar substitute) and strain. Dilute cornstarch in cold water and pour a thin stream into the resulting morsel. Boil for a few minutes without bringing to a boil.

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