Russian actresses who have been changed for the better by sports

Sport changes people. It trains willpower, improves physical performance and, of course, affects the appearance. A striking example of positive changes are Russian actresses. Some of them recovered for a role in the movie, and then diligently shed pounds in the gym, others decided to lose weight solely for their own sake. Whatever the reason that prompted the girls to exercise, the result is the same: such changes are always for the better. About the artists who have been clearly transformed by sports – in our selection.

Alexandra Bortich

Despite her young age, Alexandra has already played in a lot of rated pictures. And for “I’m thin” she had to gain 20 kilograms, according to the contract. In the first minutes of the film, Bortich appeared before the audience in a tight green dress, which masterfully emphasized all the shortcomings.

To get fat, the actress constantly ate sweets and flour and lay on the wine. The result did not take long. But then the girl needed to quickly lose weight to appear on the screen slim and athletic. To do this, Alexandra practiced in the gym six times a week for a month, refused junk food and visited a masseur.

While the filming of the picture is long over, Bortich continues to engage in fitness, but now at will. She believes that it is important for everyone to find time for themselves to spend interesting leisure time, take care of appearance and, of course, to train.

Natalia Bochkaryova

In 2008, the star of the TV series “Happy Together” gave birth to a second child and became very healthy. Natalia did not hide that at some point her weight reached 120 kilograms. But the new mom quickly pulled herself together and got rid of 60 kilograms in just a year.

According to Bochkaryova, she never resorted to strict diets, and only physical activity helped her to transform. At that time of life, the artist took part in the project “Dancing with the Stars”: she had to move a lot and perform. Then to the filming of the show added training in the gym.

Natalia still believes that dietary restrictions have a negative impact on the general state of the body. Therefore, to maintain a good shape at 39 years of age, the actress chooses sports, not diets. In addition, a busy work schedule and constant creative meetings do not let her relax.

Over the past few years, Samburskaya constantly trains in the gym and shares with subscribers photos and videos in which she is engaged with heavy weights, boxing and bragging musculature. Obviously, thanks to sports, the girl began to look better.

Now Nastasia is not as often engaged as before, but does not forget to take care of the figure. In addition, the actress does not share the opinion of those who promote bodypositive, and refers to the current with a marked negativity.

Fat is superfluous. No opportunity to go to the gym? No excuses. We squat at home with the child, walk a lot, do yoga and pump abs on the lessons on the Internet! Drink water, don’t eat at night.

Svetlana Khodchenkova

In 2003, the movie “Bless the Woman” was released. This picture was the debut for Svetlana as an actress. Then the audience saw her in the image of a simple Russian girl: patient, blond and rounded forms.

Since that moment, 17 years have passed, and Khodchenkova got rid of 20 kilograms. Progress in weight loss she achieved thanks to fractional nutrition, exclusion from the diet of junk food and increased physical activity. For example, for the role of a ballerina in “Zero Kilometer” the artist had to spend at the choreographic machine for three hours a day.

Now Svetlana continues to devote time to sports. Judging by her “instagram”, she supports stretching and mastering the technique of dancing on the pylon.

Anna Mikhalkova

With age, extra kilograms make themselves known not only by the numbers on the scale, but also by health problems. Last year Anna turned 45 years old, and not so long ago she was forced to lose weight by 15 kilograms in six months to stabilize her blood pressure.

Thanks to sports, a structured meal plan and personal experiences, the actress managed to reduce weight. To cope with the task, Mikhalkova went out for a jog every morning.

As the actress herself admitted, now her lifestyle is far from healthy in terms of nutrition. She can afford to drink alcohol and eat something high-calorie. But, it must be admitted, Anna still looks amazing!

Now in the address of Snigir a lot of reproaches from her fans. The public insists that Julia overdid it with weight loss and she urgently needs to get better. The artist says that such claims began to prevail in her communication with subscribers in social networks.

In turn, the girl is sure that with her figure and general condition everything is in good order. But, to give the situation irony, Snigir published a photo with country-style potatoes from “McDonald’s” and said that at the request of viewers is gaining weight.

Polina Grenz

When Polina saw herself in the role of a high school student Sasha Mamaeva in the first episodes of the series “Fizruk”, she immediately decided that the public persona should not look like that. Since then, she has lost 14 kilograms and noticeably looked better.

Now the actress has reached the most comfortable weight for herself in 52 kilograms. To do this, she turned to a nutritionist, began to eat fractionally, to monitor the water balance and regular exercise in the gym under the careful guidance of a trainer.

During classes Grenz emphasized on basic strength exercises and alternated them. For example, one training session she devoted to working out the muscles of the arms and back, and the next – pumping legs. Polina visited the fitness center 2-3 times a week and spent about two hours there. And, as we can see, not for nothing!

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