The Alexander Technique and 4 more ways to relieve pain without pills

Irina Yuzup

Ph.D., doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutritionist

Pain, especially acute pain, is not only a complex physiologic phenomenon, but also a signal that informs us of disease risk or is a symptom of disease.

Pain is sometimes referred to as the fifth vital sign. Assessing its severity as well as measuring blood pressure, body temperature, pulse and respiratory rate are important health information.

Pain can be:

  • receptive;
  • neuropathic;
  • psychogenic;
  • acute;
  • chronic.

Medication is prescribed depending on the cause, localization, intensity and duration.

But there are many other approaches that relieve symptoms. Among them – physical exercises, heat and cold therapy, relaxation methods, physiotherapy, acupuncture.

All treatments are only prescribed by a physician.

Alexander Technique

Exercise is an important component of pain management. Regular activity helps improve circulation, reduce inflammation and increase muscle strength.

The Alexander Technique, a method of self-care and movement training, can be placed in this category. It was developed by F. Matthias Alexander in the late 19th century to improve overall health.

The technique aims to improve movement and posture, as many common ailments stem from unconscious habits of tension and misuse of the body.

The Alexander Technique is often used to reduce tension and relieve pain caused by chronic conditions (back pain, neck pain, migraine). This approach is also used to enhance performance in activities such as music, dance, and sports.

Classes are led by a certified teacher. During class, the teacher observes the student’s movements and posture, helping them become more aware of their body.

In the previous material told whether it is necessary to take pills if you have a headache.

Heat and cold therapy

Effective methods of treating pain. Heat therapy can be used to improve blood circulation and reduce muscle stiffness. And cold therapy helps to reduce inflammation, used for bruises, sprains, strains, closed injuries.

Both heat and cold can be applied to the affected area using a heating pad or ice pack.

Relaxation methods

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation promote relaxation and can be effective in controlling pain.

Learn more about where to start meditating and why you should do it here.

These techniques help to reduce stress and tension, which are often the cause of pain. This approach works in the case of migraines, menstrual pain, and neuralgia.


This is a form of treatment that involves special exercises and other methods to improve movement, strength, and functionality: light therapy, therapeutic muds, massage, and hirudotherapy (treatment with medical leeches).

Physical therapists usually develop an individualized exercise program that targets a specific area of pain. This helps reduce inflammation and improve overall mobility.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body.

The method is believed to be effective in treating chronic pain, including migraine and back pain, as a large number of reflex mechanisms are triggered.

However, acupuncture can only be performed by acupuncture specialists. You can master on your own acupressure – acupressure – acupressure massage, which is performed by hands or aids.

By pressing on a reflexogenic point, certain centers are activated, relieving pain and tension.

Still, the best way to good health is to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

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