To have breakfast or not? Is the first meal so important, says Master of Nutritional Sciences

Elizabeth Gilman

member of the British Association of Nutritionists, Master of Nutrition, author of the book “Make peace with food”

What happens if you skip breakfast? Who shouldn’t do it?

Growing up, many people were told that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped. But is this statement true? Is breakfast really so important for health? Let’s try to understand this question.

There is also evidence that skipping breakfast leads to lower calorie intake, which in turn leads to weight loss. There are other studies that report that calorie intake is not affected by the presence or absence of breakfast.

However, why are there such different opinions on the same issue? This happens in part because some people subconsciously make up for all the “missed” morning calories later in the day when others don’t feel the same craving for food. For example, in a four-week study, 49 women who usually didn’t eat breakfast were divided into two groups: “beginning” and “continuing” breakfast eaters. Those who started eating in the morning ate an average of 266 kcal more per day and gained a little weight (0.8 kg). The group left without breakfast did not consume more calories throughout the day and did not gain weight.

Skipping breakfast may not lead to overeating during the day, but it also does not mean you will eat less. The important thing here is to understand and respect your body’s characteristics. You shouldn’t force yourself into a diet that you don’t like or doesn’t fit your lifestyle.

There is also a common misconception that breakfast supposedly “triggers the metabolism”. And if you skip it, your metabolism slows down. However, evidence suggests that prolonging the morning fast does not, in and of itself, slow metabolism. It’s the total calorie intake that affects it, not the frequency of meals – if you’re regularly malnourished, it can slow your metabolism.

Another common belief is that you should exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. Exercising on an empty stomach is considered more effective than exercising after breakfast.

So should you eat breakfast or not?

This is an individual question, and there is no unambiguous answer. If you eat adequately during the day, skipping breakfast will not make much difference. You can do without it if you do not feel hungry in the morning or simply do not like to eat breakfast. There are some people who don’t want to eat at all after waking up.

If you had a big meal the night before, you may not want to eat breakfast. If you usually eat a light meal in the evening or have an early dinner, you may be more hungry after waking up.

But if you skip breakfast despite hunger signals, you risk paying for it by overeating at lunch or in the evening. Malnutrition often leads to this result.

Who is advised not to skip breakfast after all:

  • Children and adolescents;
  • people with impaired blood glucose regulation;
  • those who are very hungry in the morning and cannot get down to business without eating;
  • people with appropriate recommendations from their physician.
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