What are the benefits of goji berries? They are recommended for those with vision and weight problems

How useful are goji berries? They are recommended for those with vision and weight problems

What are the benefits of goji berries?

Scientists from the University of Davis in California told about the superfood.

What are the benefits of goji berries? Who should not eat them?

Let’s find out together with nutritionists.

Poor eyesight is such a widespread problem that today it is no surprise to anyone. The reason for this is not only age, genetics and modern technology. Improper nutrition can also harm eye health. That’s why nutritionists recommend including in the diet products rich in vitamins and minerals, such as goji berries. What are they good for?

Olga Ivanova

nutritional coach

Among other things, goji berries are recommended for athletes in the recovery period, after illnesses and with weakened immunity.

To be more precise, the fruits of the plant are able to stop the degeneration of yellow spot. This disease affects the central area of the retina and leads to serious visual impairment. To avoid this, as American experts have found out, helps a small portion of dried goji berries.

For the experiment, scientists selected 27 volunteers aged 45 to 65 years. One group of participants added 28 g of dried berries to their diet, while the other group was given food supplements for eye health. After three months, experts noticed one peculiarity: the subjects who were given goji berries had an increase in the density of protective pigments in their eyes. Namely – lutein and zekasanthin, which work like sunscreen: they block the blue color and do not allow harmful substances to penetrate into the deep layers of the retina. These beneficial substances are found in yellow, orange and red colored fruits and vegetables. But scientists say goji berries contain the most of them.

nutritionist and founder of GetVegetable, a nutrition delivery service.

Goji berries were discovered in the region of the Tibetan mountains – monks added them to food and also used them as medicine. Today, the benefits of berries are widely known around the world. The valuable properties of superfoods lie in their ability to increase the immunity of the body, positively affect metabolism, improve the work of the heart and blood vessels. The product also prevents the development of certain diseases, such as diabetes.

Goji berries are rich in antioxidants and amino acids. The product contains B vitamins, which favorably affect the restorative processes in the body, especially the central nervous system. They are often recommended to athletes in the recovery period, after illnesses and with weakened immunity.

Olga: The product is low-calorie, but it should not be abused. Excessive amounts can lead to bloating and discomfort, for the berry was not always familiar to us and appeared in the health industry relatively recently. The superfood can be consumed as a supplement, but eating handfuls is definitely not a good idea.

When is it better to limit the use of these berries? First of all, with problems with the stomach and intestines. Also do not add berries to the diet with problems with blood pressure, especially eat them for breakfast. An adult is recommended to consume up to 50 berries a day, children – no more than 20 pieces.

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