What is a sense of humor and how to develop it? 8 tips to start making good jokes

The ability to tell a good joke is learned in childhood and develops over the course of later life. It is influenced by the environment. Humor is multifaceted. It is expressed in very different ways. It can be drawn cartoons, a satirical article, memes or standup performances. Such creativity has been popular for many years and plays one of the leading roles in our lives. Why? Let’s understand together with the experts.

What is a sense of humor?

Alexander Fedorov

mentor, instructor, head of the Academy of Meaning ONLINE Andrei Kurpatov

In simple words – it is the ability to notice something comical and anticipate what is funny and what is not. In this case, humor – a thing extremely important for each person.

Our whole life is communication with others, and laughter is an important social action. Studies have shown that a person in the company of other people laughs 30 times more often than alone. Why? Because this reaction brings you closer together. If you smiled together, you feel safer, you feel easier to communicate.

So the main bonus of a sense of humor is that it allows us to break down barriers and feel like a member of the pack.

What defines a sense of humor?

First and foremost, culture and experience. Humor is a subjective thing: what’s funny to one person may seem flat or even silly to another. And vice versa.

Everyone has their own, individual sense of humor. It depends on the culture in which the individual grew up, what people around him laughed at, etc. In general, what he learned – at what and laughs. But this does not mean that the humorous potential can not be developed. On the contrary, you can (and should).

Someone from childhood tried to constantly joke and entertain everyone around – over the years this skill is honed. Someone was more often shy and silent, so, becoming adults, they can rarely joke successfully.

What makes a person a humorist?

A sense of humor is directly related to creativity. If you can give a funny answer in a conversation, it means that your brain is able to quickly go through the options and find the one that will be both contradictory and not obvious to others.

In addition, the quality of your mind is to a certain extent characterized by the ability to notice important details. A good joke is impossible without paradox, breaking the rules, going beyond the limits.

The character of a person affects the strength of his need to cause laughter in others. And thus attract their attention. Someone is in dire need of attention from others, and someone does not really need it – he and joke in this case to nothing.

What gives the development of a sense of humor?

It is believed that “humor prolongs life”. Whether this is true or not, it is still unknown. But we do know that this skill helps to cope with stress, survive difficult times, smooth out conflicts, strengthen relationships with people and just have a good time.

The ability to joke appropriately speaks of a person’s creativity and hints to others that he or she has a first-rate mind. The sound of laughter gives away and social status, and a good joke can add “points” and make more attractive in other people’s eyes.

Having a sense of humor is not only pleasant, but also profitable. Why? Let’s understand in detail.

8 specific benefits of humor

1. Stress relief

Interesting fact: according to research, 80% of laughter is not a reaction to a good joke, but a psychological mechanism that helps us cope with stress. This is how we release tension, including in the body.

For example, when someone scares you, you stress and reflexively hold your breath. After realizing that there is no threat, you laugh. The muscles of the diaphragm rhythmically contract, these “pushes” empty the lungs. This causes the sound of laughter. When you exhale, the body relaxes, so laughing is very pleasant.

2. Building relationships

Let’s look at a concrete example. You are sitting in an important meeting. Someone enters into an argument, passions are heated, the conversation is on the raised tones. Everyone in the room is tense (holding their breath, straining their bellies). Suddenly someone makes a good joke and everyone starts laughing. Yay! Everyone relaxes and the conversation becomes more constructive.

3. Overcoming trauma

Laughing about a psychological trauma is a sure sign of recovery. If a person is able to joke about their problem, it means that they are no longer afraid, no longer resentful, etc.

4. Ability to memorize the moment

People tend to remember well what makes them smile or laugh. So if you want to fix something in the brain, try to think of a funny association or a successful joke on this topic.

5. Health Promotion

Vitaly Samson

Clinical psychologist, author of the unique method “I am value”

During laughter, the level of stress in the body and the hormone cortisol is reduced. It also produces serotonin (a hormone that helps you feel more joyful and happy). There is also a boost to the immune system. Research confirms that laughter is like an immunomodulator. It helps to counteract harmful external influences and maintain health.

6. Ability to create an attractive image

A person who can make good and funny jokes often becomes a leader in a company. He is perceived as a strong, attractive and interesting person who can lead people.

Agree that more often we choose a partner with a good sense of humor. This quality speaks of psychological health, creative imagination and intelligence. In other words – a good set of genes for future offspring. By the way, men also choose those women who sincerely laugh at their jokes.

7. Achieving success

This skill is also very important for work. 64% of Russians are sure that to achieve success you need to have a sense of humor. 66% of women and 62% of men agree with the statement that an appropriate joke contributes to positive results at work.

If there is a fun and relaxed atmosphere in the workplace, creative tasks are realized much more effectively. A manager who is able to make jokes and quip is more trustworthy than a stern and strict boss.

8. Development of intelligence

A sense of humor directly affects intelligence. After all, in order to understand jokes and make others laugh, you need cognitive and emotional abilities. Austrian scientists found out that higher IQ has people with a good sense of humor. Interesting fact, this is more true for those who appreciate exactly black humor!

What prevents the development of a sense of humor?

In psychology, there are several aspects that prevent a person from making jokes.

1. Social barrier. When a person grows up in a very serious family, where no one jokes. There is often an unspoken rule there that being funny is ridiculous. It is believed that only clowns can be funny.

From there are negative attitudes about laughter: “now you will laugh”, “a lot of laughing – a lot of crying”, “laughter is not good. Such parents grow up children for whom humor becomes unnecessary and unfamiliar history. He is in one way or another afraid to be funny, and the jokes of others will be incomprehensible to him.

2. Psychological barrier. He too speaks of fear of being funny in the eyes of others. But it can be an acquired phobia. For example, due to bullying, abusive behavior or any other form of bullying. When a person loses the desire to show up and be visible.

A person is afraid that humor will not be understood and appreciated, then he will find himself in an embarrassing or stupid situation. After all, it hurts us to feel this way or to feel neglected by others. People with these kinds of thoughts and fears have difficulty generating jokes and taking them. They can easily take a harmless joke personally, shut down and withdraw into themselves.

3. Physiological barrier is more common in people who suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, or brain disorders. Laughter and humor is a complex physiological process that involves a large number of neural connections. Such brain malfunctions can interfere with people’s ability to laugh and understand humor.

How to train a sense of humor: 8 ways

Humor can be trained. Levitate a few affordable ways that will help you raise the degree of irony in your mind and character.

1. Read and tell jokes. This is the most popular and ancient way. It is worth listening to others tell them and practicing on your own.

2. Watch humor shows and standup. Here you can get examples of how to hold yourself in a witty dialogue, understand what topics come in, learn the mechanisms of improvisation. When you have good and quality examples in front of you, it’s much easier to learn.

3. Pump up the skill of laughing at yourself. We are often afraid of looking silly or ridiculous in the eyes of others. We worry that someone will devalue us and think our jokes are silly. Give yourself permission to be funny. It doesn’t matter so much what those around you think about it.

People who treat themselves simply and at ease have a much easier time getting great jokes. If it is difficult to cope with awkwardness on your own, contact a psychologist. He will help solve the problem, give effective advice and exercises.

4. Develop creativity. The more you create and invent, the better you develop creativity. This quality also has a direct impact on joke ideas and witty responses. Be imaginative and original – your sense of humor is sure to develop along with these qualities.

5. Read books and expand your horizons. Vocabulary will allow you to choose the right words and make the right grades. Increasing your level of intelligence, you loosen up, start to think faster and make wittier jokes.

6. Analyze humor trends. Vocabulary and mindfulness are hugely important. Study everything that has to do with humor. Pay attention to popular memes and ask yourself questions – why is it funny? For whom is it funny? What’s the secret?

7. Study the history and theory of humor. Famous comedian Vanya Usovich says that jokes are math, so everything funny is created by a limited set of formulaic techniques. Obviously, knowing what these techniques are and practicing them purposefully will be very useful.

8. Practice. Of course, the most important thing is to practice on a real audience. When you make a joke, you are always doing it for others. That’s why comedians repeatedly test material before they perform. So make jokes and watch the reactions carefully. Did they smile at you? Did you get a cold look? You laughed back, but not heartily? Draw conclusions and go on laughing.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :llorar: :cool: :flecha: :???: :?: :!:
