What to eat when you crave unhealthy foods. Useful analogs against sadness and longing

Nata Gonchar

President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANCH)

Is fall melancholy pushing you towards a croissant and a cup of coffee? A bad day at work makes you buy a bag of chips? Emotions and bad moods often lead people to sweets, fast food and other food sources of endorphins. I know that bad moods need to be dealt with in other ways.

The desire to eat sweets or junk food is often triggered by emotional hunger or deficiencies in the body. A love of sweets indicates a deficiency of chromium, phosphorus, sulfur and tryptophan. To replenish chromium, you should eat broccoli, grapes, hard cheeses and chicken, and for phosphorus, eat beef, fish, eggs, nuts and vegetables.

Large amounts of tryptophan are found in cheeses, raisins and spinach. Fatty foods are most often craved when there is a calcium deficiency, so you should eat more dairy products, cheese, green leafy vegetables.

Most people snack on negative emotions, submitting to emotional hunger. After a sweet, a person briefly feels better, but such help leads to overeating and extra pounds.

Useful analogs against sadness and longing

To lift your mood and increase magnesium levels, you need to eat useful analogs. You can replace the chocolate bar with nuts, seeds, bananas or avocados.

To replace buns, buns, cakes, eggs, nuts and fish – these are rich sources of essential amino acids. It is the deficiency of amino acids that provokes the desire to eat a bakery product with sugar or sweet filling.

If a bad mood wants to eat fatty chips – the body clearly lacks fats. In this case, it is better to replace the trans-fat treat with nuts (especially almonds and cashews). But even here you should not get carried away and overeat, because nuts are a high-calorie product.

Fast food, sandwiches and microwaveable foods should be replaced with a full meal, because you are likely to experience natural hunger.

Understand that chocolate bars, burgers, snacks, cookies, sodas – this is junk food, that is, junk food, which does not carry any benefit, but only empty calories.

By the way, alternatives to sweet sodas and juices from packets can be mineral water, plain water, morsels without sugar. Often the need for soda indicates that the body needs to replenish the water balance.

At the link you will learn whether diet sodas are really healthier than ordinary sodas.

If a person wants to drink alcohol or eat candy with brandy, he should fill the deficit of potassium and calcium. For this, citrus fruits, seaweed, salmon, nuts, beans are good for this.

Favorite pizza under the evening movie show indicates a deficiency of fatty acids. Where to get healthy fatty acids? From fish, of course. I recommend cooking a salmon steak or eating a handful of walnuts.

For healthy sweets, I recommend my top healthy alternatives.

Urbech is a great alternative to chocolate pastes with chemical additives. To boost brain and physical activity, just eat whole-grain toast with any walnut urbeche for breakfast.

Sugar-free mango is a healthy sweet for tea drinkers. Stores have a huge selection of different varieties of the dried fruit, without added sugar, native to Vietnam, India and Thailand.

Mango is a source of plant fiber and dietary fiber, which play the role of an effective adsorbent: absorb toxins and toxic substances, and then remove them from the body. In addition, dried fruit improves the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.

In 100 g of dried fruit contains one fifth of the daily allowance of vitamin A, which improves cell regeneration and supports immunity. Mango supports the nervous system, improves sleep, fights stress and depression. Such a treat will help to cope with burnout syndrome and chronic fatigue and will perfectly lift your mood!

Apple marshmallow without sugar. Natural fruit pastilla is made of fresh apples without added sugar and sweeteners, GMOs, preservatives and coloring agents.

Gentle production technology allows to preserve the beneficial properties of apples, vitamins and minerals.

The ideal composition of marshmallow:

  • fresh apples;
  • potassium sorbate.

Apple dessert is gluten-free, rich in fiber, which improves digestion and intestinal function. Pastilla carbohydrates are converted into energy and energize the body for a long time. It is a healthy and tasty treat for the whole family.

Avocado ice cream for health benefits

A treat can be not only delicious, but also useful. I will prove it with the help of a recipe for avocado ice cream. This dessert will be a great substitute for the classic ice cream, will help to keep slim and fill the body with the necessary fats and vitamins for healthy skin.

Ingredients for ice cream:

  • avocado – 2 pcs;
  • stevia and erythritol mixture – 1 tbsp;
  • coconut milk – 200 ml;
  • lime or lemon – 1 piece;
  • mint – 1 sprig.

Method of preparation:

  1. Peel and slice avocado.
  2. Squeeze juice from lime or lemon.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a blender – avocado, lemon/lime juice, stevia, coconut milk.
  4. Transfer the resulting mixture into a container (ice cream molds) and place in the freezer for a few hours.
  5. When serving, garnish the ice cream with a few mint leaves.

Full nutrition and a varied diet will protect against sudden desires to eat a couple or three cakes or combos at a fast food restaurant.

If a person notices frequent cravings for sweets, snacks, and fatty foods, perhaps they need to reevaluate their diet and pay attention to deficiencies.

In the previous article we told you why we are drawn to certain foods.

In 90% of cases, a complete diet and vitamin support help to get rid of cravings for sweets and establish a relationship with food. By the way, the mood in the absence of deficiencies immediately improves.

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