Where do you find your muse? 8 sources of your inspiration

Where do you find your muse? 8 sources of your inspiration

Naida Saidova

Naida Saidova

Where to find inspiration? 9 sources

Audio version:

This is an unusual list, no music, movies or exhibitions here.

Inspiration is said to be a substance that defies any rules, but we’re convinced that it’s like a skill that can be practiced. Here are nine sources to help you find your muse:

1. Other people’s experiences

Be inspired by the lives and creativity of others. Sometimes thoughts come through associations and observations. They say, as many lives as there are stories. Each one is a powerful source of motivation and inspiration. Surround yourself with interesting people, socialize with them, argue or make things up. No one has canceled the synergy effect.

2. Meditation

More and more people are leaving room in their daily lives for daily meditation to clear the flow of thoughts and hear themselves. Every day, we consciously and not really let a lot of events pass through us, among which our brilliant thoughts get lost. Set your alarm clock for mid-day, pick a breathing practice you enjoy – and catch ideas in a calm flow.

3. news

The information field around you can and should be used for good. Choose resources that are credible, keep an eye on the agenda, and use any news story as a launching pad for ideas.

4. Sports

Overcoming yourself not only opens up new physical possibilities, but also expands the boundaries of your imagination. While exercising, your brain gets a break from the daily grind and has room for new thoughts.

5. Objects

This is a story about details. Pay attention to everything around you, walk around without headphones, be curious. Even an ordinary trip to the store can bring new ideas – just look at how much art is in fresh bread or brightly colored packages.

6. Help

Helping those around you is the most inexhaustible resource. Helping others opens up a whole world of feelings inside that inspire and motivate. Help eco-activists or set up a monthly contribution to a charity – any help will give warmth to both you and those who receive it.

7. Planning

Surprisingly, a well-planned day can be more productive for creative ideas than “creative clutter.” The better organized your work and personal affairs are, the smaller your stress basket. So your brain can relax and come up with some interesting ideas.

8. You

Your past and present will always work in your favor if you learn from your mistakes, listen to your inner voice and believe in yourself. A great way to get inspired is to look back at your accomplishments. Look at your photos, even the “storizas” from karaoke that you posted once can help you create a new one.
Be in tune with yourself and you won’t have to look outside for inspiration.

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