10 toitu, mida sportlased peaksid kindlasti sööma

Svetlana Perez

sertifitseeritud kliiniline geneetik, toitumisspetsialist, UniProf Arstide Akadeemia ekspert

What foods should athletes definitely eat?

When you are involved in any sport or even dancing, proper nutrition is of utmost importance. The body, which spends more resources not only on mental, but also on physical activity, needs quality recovery. Especially if the workouts take place every day.

In sports nutrition, overall dietary balance is important. It can vary depending on the sport and the amount of training. However, there are some foods that all athletes will benefit from.

Brown rice

Whole-grain rice gives you the right amount of healthy, long-digestible carbohydrates, as well as enough fiber and protein.

Rohelised köögiviljad

Spinach, arugula, broccoli – all of these foods are rich in:

  • magnesium – involved in muscle relaxation and provides elasticity;
  • folic acid – essential for the production of red blood cells;
  • vitamin K – important for calcium absorption and bone strength;
  • vegetable iron and vitamin C.

Fresh juice

Vegetable and berry juices or smoothies, such as those made from beets, orange (or tangerine), carrots and apple. They have a powerful antioxidant effect – fighting cell destruction in the body.

Consumption of such juice after exercise reduces the damaging effect of free radicals (substances that destroy other cells) on muscles and blood vessels. These are released by the body during exercise and rapid breathing, among other things.

Other juice options:

  • pomegranate and orange;
  • orange, raspberry and cherry;
  • acerola juice, one of the most vitamin C-rich fruits.

Tofu, legumes, mung beans

Plant protein can balance the excess of animal protein that is so common among athletes. It is advisable to consume these foods in moderation. Some people have digestive problems when they are in excess in their diet.


Another option for replacing excess animal protein, as well as a source of unsaturated fats.

Nuts can be eaten along with cereals, added to vegetable drinks or tried in the form of spreads – nut paste. But they should not be abused. Excess fats can deposit in the abdominal area, and excess omega-6 can upset the balance of fatty acids in the body and lead to inflammation.

In normal health, a handful of nuts a day is enough.

Water or sports drinks

Maintaining water balance is very important, especially during physical activity, when the body loses a lot of fluids and salts along with sweat.

If desired, you can add isotonic drinks – they contain water, glucose, some useful salts and help to restore electrolyte balance.

About what water is more useful, read in the material at the link.

“New” cereals

Millet, quinoa and quinoa are very rich in protein. They will be a healthier and more nutritious alternative to pasta.

Cereals as the main source of carbohydrates should be regularly present in the athlete’s diet. Their quantity determines glucose stores (and therefore energy) and resistance to fatigue.

Lean protein

Chicken breast, turkey, white fish, quality ham, home-cooked eggs – sources of high-quality and quickly digestible protein.

The most effective for the body is the use of 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight daily. Therefore, you should not get carried away with animal protein. It will not help to build muscle mass, and the risk of side effects (such as inflammation) will increase.

Rasvane kala

The richest source of omega-3. These fatty acids fight inflammation and free radicals. Therefore, are essential for those who exercise regularly.

You can eat fatty fish several days a week, especially good at lunchtime. Prefer small fish (sardines, anchovies, mackerel, mullet, etc.) – it has fewer heavy metals.

Natural yogurt or cottage cheese

Excellent sources of lactic acid bacteria that help regulate metabolic processes in the body. It is desirable to use natural products on homemade sourdough, give preference to sheep curd and try yogurt on goat’s milk.

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