A basic yoga exercise for balance. What is bakasana and how is it useful?

A basic yoga exercise for balance. What is bakasana and how is it useful?

What is the usefulness of bakasana and how to do it properly?

Crane pose has a lot of pluses, but there are also nuances that are important to consider.

Crane pose, or otherwise bakasana, got this name because it looks like a bird walking on water. This asana is considered one of the most beautiful and graceful in yoga. Let’s find out what it is useful and why it is worth learning to do?

Jamilya Ospatova

yoga practitioner, sports blogger

This pose is a basic pose among those aimed at balance in yoga, so it is recommended to master it gradually from the first classes.

About what is the pigeon pose in yoga and how to do it correctly, read in this article.

How useful is the crane pose?

To correctly perform the exercise, you need full concentration and a calm state of mind. Bakasana is an extremely difficult pose, but at the same time very useful. Here’s how it helps the body.

  • Strengthens the arm muscles.
  • Improves blood flow.
  • Normalizes the digestive tract.
  • Improves memory.
  • Reduces cortisol levels.
  • Improves mood.
  • Directs the flow of positive energy.
  • Favorably affects productivity and creativity.

Also the brain is actively oxygenated, which prevents headaches and helps in solving difficult psychological problems.

Jamilya Ospatova: If you do yoga regularly, you will notice a huge difference in your perception of the outside world. Difficulties will seem to you just a grain of sand in the bustle of habitual life, because the gradual learning of yoga simplifies the perception of difficulties.

About how to quickly and safely sit in lotus pose, told at the link.

What is important to know before performing the crane pose?

In addition to the fact that bakasana is difficult to perform, it is also quite traumatic. If you follow the technique, troubles can be avoided, but we can not warn.

The main problems that inexperienced yogis face are: loss of balance and lack of strength in the hands, they can be solved only by constant training and careful practice of asana. The key word – carefully, because chasing a quick result, you can get bruised, injured hands, head or neck.

It is contraindicated to perform crane pose for pregnant women, people with joint diseases, as well as those who have problems with excess weight.

It is possible to get a headache due to the flow of blood to the head. It should not be tolerated and training through pain – too. If you feel sick, stop doing the exercise. Work through the asana gradually and do not get upset if something does not work out, you will be quieter on the road – farther away.

How to correctly perform the butterfly pose and what it is useful, told in this material.
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