10 kõige rasvapõletavamat tantsustiili täiusliku figuuri saavutamiseks
Along with sports, dancing will be the best solution for weight correction, strengthening the muscular corset, creating graceful posture. A pleasant bonus will be positive emotions, inner confidence,
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"See on kategooriliselt võimatu, et seda on võimalik kaelast võtta!" Veterinaararst kommenteeris MM-il juhtunut
“It is categorically impossible to take by the scruff of the neck!” Veterinarian commented on the incident at the World Cup Ekaterina Saleeva December 8, 2022, 16:15 MSC
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"Fancy ülikond 50 000 rubla eest". Kui palju maksavad tantsutunnid?
Ballroom dancing is an insanely beautiful and elegant sport. It conquers, impresses, ignites. You want to watch this art of plasticity, movement, a parade of bright costumes and
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10 parimat filmi aastal 2022. Nad on väärt, et sa neid vaataksid
Dramas, horror, fantasy, action and other genres continue to win the hearts of audiences and collect box office in theaters. As before, the directors of the films released
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Millised koerad elavad kõige kauem. 10 pikaealist tõugu
Four-legged friends brighten up our everyday life, add positive emotions and can even cure depression. Playful, agile, affectionate and loyal – all this characterizes dogs. Therefore, they are
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5 kohta Venemaal, kus saab näha põhjavalgustust
Russia is one of the nine countries where tourists are given a unique option to see an unusual in properties and indescribable in beauty miracle of nature. And
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Mis on Tai Chi? Kuidas Hiina võitlusvõimlemine aitab võidelda osteoporoosiga
endocrinologist, mentor of the Health Buddy health restoration and preservation project “Meditation in motion” is how tai chi, a technique practiced by more than 150 million people around
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Millisele spordialale peaksin oma tervisliku erivajadusega lapse saatma?
Adaptive physical education and sports coach “Sport is useful for everyone” – hardly anyone would argue with this statement. But can and should children who have health problems
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10 inspireerivat filmi idufirmadest. Need aitavad teil astuda sammu oma unistuste suunas.
Projects can be in completely different spheres, be it IT, movies or fast food chains. But they all have one thing in common – loud stories of ups
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"Tai poksi peaksite minema täis rahakotiga." Sportlase ema arvutas kulud
Children’s energy is often boundless. Sometimes it’s not even clear where to channel it. At such times, sports come to the rescue. Training not only fascinates, but also
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