Kuidas treenida õues ja mitte mõelda möödujate pilkudele. 5 nõuannet treenerilt
The warm season is made for outdoor exercise. But what if you feel awkward and embarrassed going out for an evening jog? We’ve gathered some expert tips to
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Oluline on juurutada kasulikke harjumusi juba lapsepõlvest alates. Psühholoog selgitab, kuidas seda õigesti teha
D. in Philosophy, Master of Psychology, Academic Director of Skysmart Online School How does a healthy lifestyle affect children’s learning and what habits should be instilled at an
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Kuidas lõpetada kogu oma vaba aja veetmine telefonis. 5 psühholoogide soovitust
How to stop “hanging out” on the phone and how hard is it to get rid of it? Let’s find out together with a psychologist. There is no
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5 filmitegelast, kes armastavad sporti ja inspireerivad sind elustiili muutma
Any writer and director understands that a character in a movie must evolve. It is impossible to achieve a goal in a movie without the character changing or
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12 foobiat, millega me võime iga päev silmitsi seista. Kuidas nendega võidelda
Our daily life, whether we like it or not, is associated with various stresses. On one side are physical stimuli, on the other side are mental stimuli. Many
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Millises vanuses tunnevad inimesed end rohkem üksildasena? See ei ole alati eakad
“Lonely old age”, – they say about people over 60 years old. But it turns out that old people are not so susceptible to this unpleasant feeling, it
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9 stereotüüpi sportlaste kohta - tõsi või vale? Sportlased ise ütlevad meile
There are many stereotypes and attitudes surrounding the profession of an athlete, which only the athletes themselves are able to confirm or deny. We asked Vera Biryukova and
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Kas lapsele tuleks õpetada vastupanu. Sellest sõltub tema tulevik
The main task of a conscious parent is to form a set of strategies that will help their child to survive and live a happy life. The ability
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Kuidas suudab Julia Roberts 54-aastaselt suurepäraselt välja näha? Näitlejanna toitumine ja treening
The trademark smile, infectious laugh and red curls. Everyone understands that we are talking about one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood. The main heroine of such
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Miks nutmine on tervisele kasulik, ütleb psühhoterapeut
Tears or crying are primarily an emotional reaction that is unique to humans. Tears appear when we experience negative emotions, but strong positive emotions can also cause crying
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