5 tõestatud viisi, kuidas lõplikult spordisse armuda
Hardly anyone would argue with the phrase “movement is life”. Health, quality of life, mood and success in work – it depends on physical activity. In the article
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Kuidas taastuda ühe nädalavahetuse jooksul? 3 reeglit kvaliteetse puhkuse kohta
How to have a quality vacation? What should be taken into account to relax on the weekend? We understand together with a psychologist. Many people wait for the
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Kuidas leida tasakaal isikliku elu ja töö vahel? 5 nõuannet psühholoogilt
Hard work and high capacity for work are important in any activity, the main thing is that the desire to work does not acquire a painful form of
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Millised on partneriga treenimise eelised? 4 põhjust, miks koos treenida
Why should we train together? How can it be useful? Let’s find out together with a psychologist. Many people think that the gym is not the best place
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Kuidas rääkida ülekaalulisusest ilma kedagi solvamata
How to tactfully hint that it’s time to lose weight? Is it even possible to do so? Let’s find out together with a psychologist. It can be very
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Kuidas aitab kehaline aktiivsus võidelda hirmu ja ärevuse vastu? Psühholoog ütleb meile
Does sport help overcome panic fear? How does it work? Let’s find out together with a sports psychologist. Perhaps everyone has their own phobias, which we have to
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Mis võib perfektsionism spordis olla ohtlik? Psühholoogi vastus
Is perfectionism useful for athletes? Does it help improve performance? Let’s find out together with a sports psychologist. Emotional breakdowns and physical injuries sometimes occur during training or
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Kuidas saavad tervislikud harjumused muuta elu? 5 lugu tüdrukutest spordimaailmas
Habits can make a big difference in life. Often we don’t notice it, but even routines play a role. It can be anything, for example, a glass of
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Kuidas vabaneda enesevigastusest? 5 nõuannet psühholoogilt
How to stop blaming yourself for failures? Why is it important to evaluate your achievements? Let’s find out together with a psychologist. Often, making even the smallest mistake,
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Miks ei pea kõike maailmas toimuvat kommenteerima. Psühholoogiga rääkimine
Difficult times require difficult decisions, a lot of patience and the same amount of tolerance. It is normal to speak out about some processes in society, but it
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