Spring has arrived, and many people are starting to prepare for summer and get in shape. To lose the extra pounds accumulated over the winter, regain tone and look like “from the picture”, for some people ordinary jogging is enough. However, some people take it more seriously. For example, many men want to achieve relief muscles, and in this case you can’t do without drying. Together with World Class trainer Aleksander Karpov, we’ll find out how to dry out properly without harming your health.
What is drying?
Drying is a special diet and training regimen, the purpose of which is to reduce the percentage of fatty tissue in the body. As a result, you can get beautiful and relief muscles. However, you should not confuse drying with weight loss.
But before you need to gain muscle mass. In this process, the main principle is a positive calorie difference. Whereas drying, on the contrary, requires a deficit. As for the training process, it can be left unchanged.
Before the fat-burning stage, you need to calculate the daily calorie intake, taking into account the goals. It is also worth preparing yourself mentally, as drying is usually harder than gaining mass.
What do I need to know about drying?
You should start by changing your diet. It is necessary to calculate daily calories and determine a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In most cases, the training process itself changes, for example, increasing the amount of cardio training or reducing the amount of strength training.
Alexander: For those who do not have the appropriate experience, knowledge of anatomy, theory and methods of training, I recommend always to train under the supervision of a specialist. If there is such an opportunity. At the drying stage, the presence of an expert will be an additional motivational and deterrent factor, because the process itself is quite difficult from a psychological point of view.
When it comes to the best time to start, the start of drying depends solely on your goals. After all, a competition or vacation may not be tied to the time of year. But often many people decide to dry off in spring or summer, because for most people it is the time of beach vacations and more open clothes.
How to correctly calculate the calorie deficit for drying?
To calculate the number of calories for fat burning, you must first determine the level of basic metabolism.
To do this, you can use the Harris-Benedict formula:
66.5 + (13.75 × weight in kg) + (5.003 × height in cm) – (6.775 × age in years) – for men.
Then add about 20% to this – this is the expendable portion you spend during the day. During the drying period, you should spend 10% more than the total.
The basis of the diet should be predominantly protein-rich foods, complex carbohydrates and fiber.
How long can I dry for and do I need to take breaks?
If the goal of drying is a specific shape, you should dry until it is achieved. It is important to observe how your body reacts. In case of health problems or irregularities, you should consult a doctor.
If drying is one of the stages of periodization of the training process, it usually lasts 6-8 weeks 1-2 times a year.