Many people face the problem of losing weight: they go on diets for years, work out until the seventh sweat, but the extra pounds do not go away. It can be very difficult to lose weight, especially if you are guided by aggressive weight loss techniques from the Internet or the advice of acquaintances.
Healthy eating specialist, nutritionist, fitness trainer
I am sure that there is no single recipe for weight loss. To keep your body toned, you need to approach the issue of nutrition consciously and take into account the individual needs of the body. A healthy diet starts with healthy thoughts!
Nothing works for most people because they tend to standardize healthy habits and nutrition, are easily suggestible, looking for ready-made diets, do not want to think and listen to the body, tune the diet and lifestyle like an expensive musical instrument.
Very often the weight loss process is “slowed down” by incorrect ZOJ habits:
- training until seventh sweat and without rest;
- starvation or severe food restrictions;
- Consumption of “correct” sugar in unlimited quantities;
- the habit of believing that healthy food is healthy in any quantity.
All of these are persistent myths, following which only adds stress and leads to breakdowns.
What does a nutritionist advise?
- Eat a varied, regular and moderate diet.
- Pay attention to sleep, emotional state, motor activity, individual sensitivity to products.
- Eliminate chaos and build a comfortable daily routine.
- For any health problems, investigate the personal issue rather than swallowing pills.
- Figure out what nutrients your body needs and where to get them.
- Monitor your overall health at least once a year.
On how, taking into account these subtleties, to establish a full-fledged regime, the expert tells in his book “Conscious eating. How to lose weight by changing your way of thinking”. It has a step-by-step theory and a weekly meal plan that allows you to get the maximum set of micronutrients and at the same time do not overdo it with calories.
What else to look out for?
Focus not only on benefits, but also on comfort. Do not try to force yourself to eat healthy foods that you do not like. You should not suffer from food, you should be satiated and enjoy it.
It is psychologically impossible to stick to something you dislike for long. Use your own food systems, which provide long satiety at relatively low calories.
As a rule, PP-recipes can be prepared from the simplest products and combine ingredients to your liking. You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen and “reinvent the wheel”. Start with a traditional breakfast!
Cheesecakes with carrots and orange sauce
- 5% cottage cheese – 200 g;
- carrots – 75 g;
- egg C1 – 1 pc;
- whole-grain rice flour – 25 g;
- apricots – 15 g
- water – 15 ml;
- ghee – 25 g;
- salt – a pinch.
Ingredients for the sauce:
- 20% sour cream – 40 g;
- orange – 1/2 (or 2-3 mandarins);
- vanilla extract.
Grate carrots on a medium grater, apricots finely chopped. Melt butter in a pan, add carrots. If it is dry, add 15 ml of water.
Cover with a lid, cook on low heat for three minutes, then add the apricots, stir and stew for another three minutes. The carrots should become soft. Cool slightly.
Combine the cottage cheese with the egg, salt. Add carrots and apricots, stir well. Pour in the flour and mix again. Form cheesecakes, roll them in rice flour.
Melt melted butter in a frying pan, cook cheesecakes on low heat under a lid for about two to three minutes on each side (or bake in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes).
For the sauce, squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits and combine with the sour cream and vanilla. Serve with sauce and walnuts. Quick, healthy and delicious!
The recipe is taken from the book “Conscious Cooking. Useful constructor of breakfasts, lunches and dinners for every day” by AST publishing house. Include simple and healthy dishes in your daily menu to always stay satiated, satisfied and in great shape!