Many people think of nettles as a weed, not even realizing that they can be eaten. However, this plant can be used to make soups, salads, second courses, baked goods and smoothies.
Health benefits of nettle
Toitumisdoktor, sporditoitumisspetsialist, Hadassah kliiniku Hadassah filiaali nefroloogi arst
“Historically, nettle was used to stop bleeding, heal wounds, and for gastrointestinal (GI) problems as a laxative and choleretic. And in the hungry years it saved from avitaminosis.”
The plant has vitamins and active substances that can really have a therapeutic effect, because these substances are contained in a fairly high concentration.
Nettle has a large amount of folic acid (vitamin B9), which is necessary for the human body for hematopoiesis. This nutrient also prevents possible malformations of the fetus, which can lead to the death of the child, so it used to be used when planning pregnancy (but never during).
Nettle contains tannins, organic acids, essential oils, ballic acid, gum, phytoncides and flavonoids. Thanks to such a set of the plant has a tonic, tonic, antibacterial and wound-healing effect.
Due to such a concentration of active substances nettle is often used by phytotherapists. On its basis there are medicinal preparations, for example, choleretic and means to improve the healing of burns and wounds.
Nettle is also rich in vitamin K. In 100 g of the plant is about 500 mcg of the nutrient. It is involved in the process of blood coagulation, has a styptic effect. Therefore, since ancient times the infusion of this plant is used for heavy menstrual bleeding.
Harm and contraindications of nettle
Given that nettle promotes blood clotting, it is worth being careful with its use, since an overdose is fraught with thrombosis (formation of dense blood clots).
People who take drugs from the group of vitamin K antagonists (eg, warfarin), use this plant is strictly forbidden.
You should also refrain from it people with varicose veins and especially pregnant women, since the increase in uterine tone can provoke a miscarriage.
How to properly process nettles before use?
Stems and leaves of nettles are covered with shoot cells, which contain formic acid and histamine – they cause a “burn” when touched. Therefore, before using it, you need to perform a number of simple manipulations.
First, nettles should be well washed under running water, and then cover with boiling water. You can leave it for a while in hot water, and then put it in a colander to drain all the water.
For food, you should choose young plants that grow away from roads. It is best to collect nettles for food in the spring.
You can also use it in the form of decoction externally – to strengthen the hair. Dry leaves of the plant should be poured with boiling water (about two tablespoons of nettles per glass of water), cool, and then rub into the scalp.
This infusion helps regulate the sebaceous glands, strengthens the hair, gives them natural shine and softness, and prevents brittleness and the appearance of split ends.
Nettle recipes
As we have already written earlier, from nettles you can prepare many different dishes. Let’s share some popular recipes.
Green Shchi
The soup is simple to prepare, but very nutritious.
- young nettles – 200 g;
- munad - 4 tk;
- melted butter – 3 tbsp;
- sibul - 1 tk;
- potatoes – 3 pcs;
- chicken broth – 1 liter;
- freshly ground black pepper – to taste;
- sool - maitse järgi.
Ettevalmistus. Boil soft-boiled eggs (boil for about five minutes). Chop onions finely and fry in ghee in a pot with a thick bottom. Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and add to the onions, fry on low heat for about five minutes. Then add the broth to the vegetables, bring to a boil, salt and simmer for about 20 minutes.
While the broth is boiling, take care of the nettles. Rinse it thoroughly, remove the rough stems, and then scald it with boiling water. This will allow you to cut the plant without “burns”. Put the nettles in the pot and cook for another minute. Add the pepper.
Before serving the soup, add a cooked egg to each plate: whole or half.
You can turn this dish into a puree soup. After cooking, chop the shield with an immersion blender.
Salad with nettles and green onions
An excellent version of a dish rich in vitamins.
- young nettles – 1 bundle;
- parsley – a few sprigs for flavor;
- green onions – 1 small bundle;
- munad - 2 tk;
- sour cream – 2 tbsp. for dressing;
- sool - maitse järgi.
Ettevalmistus. Boil eggs, cut into cubes. Also finely chop onion, parsley and nettles (it is pre-scalded with boiling water). Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, add sour cream, salt and mix again.
Fruit smoothie with nettles
Aromatic and delicious drink will not leave anyone indifferent.
- young nettles – 2-3 sprigs;
- banaan - 1 tk;
- õun - 1 tk;
- lemon – 1/2;
- water – 50 ml.
Ettevalmistus. Wash the ingredients thoroughly. Cut the apple and banana into small pieces and add to the blender bowl, put the nettle and the juice of half a lemon in the same place. Pour water into the container and grind to a smooth consistency.
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