Kuidas valida õigeid keppe põhjamaiseks kõndimiseks. Üksikasjalik juhend
Nordic walking is one of the safest and most effective outdoor activities . With its help you can get in shape, strengthen your cardiovascular system, start regeneration processes
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Kuidas mõista, et teil on aeg puhkusele minna. "Meistrivõistluste" test kontrollib, kui väsinud sa oled.
How to understand that it’s time for you to go on vacation. The test from “Championship” will check how tired you are June 5, 2022, 20:15 MCK Even
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Kas elektrilised motorollerid suudavad asendada tavalisi motorollereid sportlaste jaoks. Ratturite vastus
Nowadays, no one is surprised by a scooter. It is worth going out on the street, and for the first five minutes you can easily count 10 people
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
5 vajalikku oskust, mida mängudes üles pumbate. Mõju võib olla tugevam kui loengu puhul
The 5 necessary skills you pump up in games. The effect can be more powerful than a lecture June 8, 2022, 11:15 AM MSC Fun quests are only
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5 olulist asja, mida enne puhkusele minekut teha
Founder of Done Media PR Bureau and Done Media Kafedra educational platform What do you need to prepare at work and in your personal affairs to get into
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4 ebatavalist puhkekohta Krimmis, millest te pole kunagi kuulnudki
4 unusual vacation spots in Crimea you’ve never heard of June 9, 2022, 19:15 MSC You can settle in a winery or visit the real Crimean Iceland. Crimea
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
4 hirmu, mis takistavad meid avaveeujumisega alustamast. Hajutame need koos eksperdiga
The 4 fears that prevent us from starting open water swimming. Let’s dispel them with an expert Vladimir Sheikin June 10, 2022, 19:45 MSC To feel comfortable, you
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Kuhu sõita Kaasanist rongiga. 3 maalilist kohta, mida tasub vaadata
Where to go from Kazan by train. 3 picturesque places worth seeing June 11, 2022, 16:20 MSC Walking around, observing the natural beauty, will take a long time.
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Miks me pärast puhkust nii kurb oleme. Psühholoog nimetas 5 põhjust
Few people return from vacation rested and full of energy. After all, it is not without reason they say: “No one needs a vacation as much as the
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Neid esemeid ei tohiks käsipagasis kaasa võtta. Vastasel juhul on oht, et need jäävad lennujaama
Those who fly frequently have long since learned the airline’s set of rules and are less stressed before they pack for their next trip. But people who are
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis