Lause "kõik saab korda" ei tööta alati kõigi puhul. Kuidas seda asendada?
To be honest, this phrase never works, except when it is uttered by a person on whom the outcome of the situation fully depends. It is understandable that
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Kuidas mitte süüdistada ennast, kui oled ebaproduktiivne. Ekspertide nõuanded
Nowadays, productivity and so-called “achievement” have entered our lives especially tightly. And social networks play a big role here: the morning is just beginning, and the girls in
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Kuidas lõpetada eneseteadlikkus oma edu suhtes. 4 viisi, kuidas võidelda petturisündroomi vastu
Devaluing yourself and your accomplishments, insecurity in your work, inability to start desired activities for a long time, fear of being exposed as incompetent – all these can
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6 välismaist filmi, mida tasub vaadata pärast 40 aastat
Taira Fogelson cultural critic, writer, film critic, head of cultural projects of Oliva Group company. The list includes movies that will help you look at life in a
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Kuidas suurendada õnnelike hormoonide tootmist? Eksperdi lihtsad soovitused aitavad
Hormones are indispensable helpers of the body, each of which has a huge responsibility. Thus, there are hormones that help us survive difficulties, stay motivated and enjoy life.
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Kuidas õigesti üle elada keskeakriisi. 6 praktilist nõuannet psühholoogilt
Sooner or later in everyone’s life there comes a time of change and simply analyzing the years that have passed. At this moment we think about what we
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5 motiveerivat raamatut, mida lugeda, kui sul pole tahtmist midagi teha
Happiness is in our hands. Behind this common phrase is a clear indication of our freedom to do whatever we want with our lives. But how can we
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7 viisi, kuidas tühistada tervisliku elustiili eelised
Nowadays, many people try to watch their diet and exercise. However, in pursuit of the desired result, we often lose efficiency or, even worse, harm ourselves. Here are
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"Me oleme kindlad, et vanemad ei saaks sellest aru." 5 olukorda, mille kohta on eri põlvkondadel erinevad arvamused
Historians and philosophers have been describing the problem of fathers and children for centuries: each generation is considered too loose, insolent, willful and disobedient. As long as mankind
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Vin Diesel on 55-aastane! Kuidas sportlik näitleja elab ja treenib
Vin Diesel is 55! How the athletic actor lives and trains Naida Saidova July 18, 2022, 21:45 MSC Surprisingly, the star of “Fast and Furious” is prone to
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