Kuidas õppida õrnalt oma positsiooni maksma panema, kui kõik sinu ümber on sinu vastu
It is important to recognize and notice one’s self in front of other people. Setting and protecting personal boundaries can help us do this. The main and perhaps
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Kuidas planeerida oma päeva, et kõigega sammu pidada ja olla efektiivne
How to plan your day to manage everything and be effective Olga Buyanova August 30, 2022, 12:15 MSC Two effective methods that will help you to set the
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Margarita Mamun rääkis, kuidas ta enda eest hoolitseb. 4 sportlase ilusaladuste saladust
Margarita Mamun is an Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, who a few years ago ended her career, but still remains a media personality and a favorite of the
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Kuidas ühendada sport ja õpingud. Psühholoogi soovitused
How to combine sports and studies. Psychologist’s recommendations Anna Sedelnikova September 1, 2022, 06:45 MSK These tips will help both children and adults who are not ready to
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Kuidas lõpetada kogu aeg halbade asjade peale mõtlemine ja hakata elu nautima: 13 tööalast nõuannet
Anxiety and worry are historically understandable and are simply necessary to remain alert in potentially dangerous situations. Unfortunately, bad thoughts are often born out of nothing and prevent
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Kuidas mõista, millist spordiala oma lapsele valida. Õpetaja ja psühholoogi soovitused
Often parents from an early age want to give their child to a sports section and begin to think about what kind of sport to choose for him.
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Kuidas saavutada oma eesmärke, kui teie pere nõuab pidevalt tähelepanu
Rare lucky people easily combine a happy family life and a career. For the rest of us, it is a real challenge. Where to find motivation, strength and
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Kuidas pärast suve kiiresti töökeskkonda sisse elada. 7 kasulikku nõuannet
Summer, as always, flew by unnoticed. Autumn has arrived, which means that the season of business and professional activity has resumed. Recent vacationers are returning to offices, receiving
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Ärevustunne võib olla seotud teie elustiiliga. Kuidas seda parandada
Unbalanced routines, unhealthy eating habits and fatigue can cause feelings of worry and anxiety, but taking care of your body can help alleviate some of these. Neurologist, medical
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Mida tähendab "žestaali sulgemine" ja kuidas seda teha. Psühholoog selgitab
The phrase “unclosed gestalt” has practically become a meme. But for some reason we don’t laugh when the same unpleasant situations are repeated in our lives. It seems
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