Nad moonutavad reaalsust ja rikuvad elu. Kuidas automaatseid mõtteid ära tunda ja välja lülitada?
psychologist, gestalt therapist “In the process of development a person develops certain images of himself, other people, the surrounding world and events in it. When the need to
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Wang Deshun: lugu hiinlasest, kellest sai 80-aastaselt tippmudel, kes vallutas kõiki oma vormiga
Perfect figure, attractive appearance, confidence and a sparkle in his eyes. You think we’re talking about a 20-year-old young athlete? No. It’s all about Wang Deshun, the “hot
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Õnnetuseks: millistesse ennustustesse ja rituaalidesse usuvad Ronaldo, Messi ja teised kuulsad jalgpallurid?
Do you believe in omens? Can you turn off the road when you encounter a woman with an empty bucket or a black cat? If the answer is
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"See on kõik ja kõigile ühesugune": mis on see seisund ja kuidas sellest üle saada? Tehnikad psühholoogilt
Almost everyone has experienced emotional fatigue. Even stress-resistant and strong personalities can experience this state of “not caring about everything”. Why? This is how we protect ourselves from
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Kiireim test intelligentsuse määramiseks. Ainult 3 küsimust, mis tunduvad lihtsad
In 2005, MIT professor Shane Frederick developed a simple and quick test to determine your level of intelligence. Just three questions will reveal how impulsive you are and
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10 pikaealisuse põhimõtet Jaapani arstilt Shigeaki Hinohara, kes elas 105 aastat vana
Shigeaki Hinohara, the famous oldest doctor from Japan, is an example of an active, strong-willed and purposeful man. He performed surgeries and practiced yoga until the last days
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25 Arnold Schwarzeneggeri tsitaati neile, kes on alla kukkunud - aitab sul taas üles tõusta
25 Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes for those who have fallen down – will help you get back up Ekaterina Saleeva October 22, 2023, 17:30 MSC Audio version: Your browser
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Kolm poega, identsed tätoveeringud ja $11 miljoni suurune mõis. Messi ja Antonella armastuslugu
Seven Golden Balls, six Golden Boots, the title of top scorer in the history of the Spanish championship, Barcelona and the Argentine national team. Titles and awards Leo
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7 verbaalset harjumust, mis programmeerivad vaesust
Öeldakse, et kui mõtted ja sõnad oleksid materiaalsed, ei oleks jalgpallis enam ühtegi kohtunikku... See humoorikas väide tõstab esile väga olulise mõtlemist puudutava aspekti.
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Kuidas elada Wu-wei järgi: 10 põhimõtet, et saada kõike ilma midagi jõuga tegemata
neurocoach “Wu-wei is one of the key concepts of Taoist philosophy in ancient China. Literally, the word translates to ‘non-action’, but the meaning is not about lying on
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