Psühholoog selgitas, kuidas määrata oma toksilisuse taset
Recently, the term “toxicity” is often mentioned in psychology, referring to a quality of a person that makes others feel uncomfortable in his company. For this reason, we
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Who are scoofs and how not to fall into their ranks? The whole truth about the type of men over 35
Scoofs, tubes, chechiks, masiks and strokes – this is how modern men are classified in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. Some definitions have pleasant characteristics, even though
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Mees, kellel on sada luumurdu: 10 uskumatut fakti Jackie Chani kohta
On April 7, the famous Chinese celebrates his 70th birthday. The living legend of world cinema has a lot to be proud of. Unrivaled master of martial arts,
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7 märki, mis näitavad, et inimene on vastukaalusõltlane ja 7 sammu, et lõpetada vastukaalusõltlaseks olemine.
The terms co-dependence and counter-dependence have become quite popular today. The purpose of this article is to understand the latter. However, for a better understanding of the topic,
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What courses to take to start earning a lot? 10 options from experts
In today’s world, change happens so fast that sometimes it’s hard to keep up with everything. Professions do not stand still either. New specialties appear regularly and it
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Expired food and furniture from the dump: 5 stories of thrifty people who have accumulated capital
A penny spares a ruble – this proverb has become the life credo of the heroes of our material. Their economy crosses all boundaries (some characters have sanitary
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How the legendary wrestler became an actor and meme star: the main moments of John Cena’s life
John Cena is a wrestling legend of the world. It will be 22 years since his debut in the famous WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) promotion in the summer.
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Hooponopono meetod: 3 põhimõtet ja 5 tehnikat elu muutva Havai praktika kohta
The Hooponopono Method is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and purification. It is based on the idea of taking responsibility for everything that happens in our lives.
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Mis on psühholoogiline vanus ja kuidas seda määrata: 2 lihtsat testi
We often have an uneasy relationship with time. We fear old age and our own mortality. We work with these fears in different ways. Some rely on digital
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5 principles of happiness and longevity from the Chinese writer Ma Shitu, who lived for 109 years
Ma Shitu, a famous Chinese writer, politician and calligrapher, passed away at the end of March. He was 109 years old. His name is not so popular in
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