6 hommikuse rituaali, mis täidavad sind päevaks energiaga
What should you do in the morning to ensure a good mood for the whole day?Answers the expert. You want to have an endless supply of energy, always
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Kuidas võib treening mõjutada juukseid ja nahka? Vastab nahaarst
What problems can occur with skin, hair and body while exercising? What is the right way to take care of yourself to prevent them? A dermatovenerologist answers. Fitness
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5 viisi, kuidas laadida oma motivatsiooni, kui see on nullis
In order to feel happy, full of strength and energy to create something wonderful, you need very little! But each of us is familiar with the feeling of
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Tugevad inimesed loobuvad ka: kuidas loobuda ilma süütundeta
We grow up in an environment where we are sometimes taught to finish what we have started, just to avoid looking weak in the eyes of others. This
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Kuidas õigesti harjumust kujundada. Tegeleme psühholoogidega
Habit is the most energy-saving action that a person does on automatic. Habit implies constant repetition of an action or a set of actions that always lead to
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
5 inspireerivat spordisarja, mis pakuvad head õhtut
5 inspirational sports series for a good night out Naida Saidova March 26, 2022, 6:45 p.m. MSC Fiction and documentary multi-part series that fans of Hamilton, Jordan and
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Mida peaksite oma kehale kevadperioodil tegema? Räägime ekspertidega
In the spring season it is important to make a program of activities that will give a boost of energy, strengthen your health, improve the physical and spiritual
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4 huvitavat podcasti tervisliku eluviisi kohta. Nad õpetavad teile, kuidas mõista toitumist ja armastada ennast.
4 interesting podcasts about healthy living. They will teach you how to understand nutrition and love yourself Ksenia Kukushkina March 30, 2022, 18:30 MSC You can study your
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Miks me ei pea endale antud lubadusi?
There comes a time in everyone’s life when difficult decisions have to be made. It is very easy to make a promise to yourself, but it is very
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Miks on laiskus hea asi? 10 olukorda, kus on hea mitte midagi teha
Why is laziness a good thing? 10 situations when it’s good to do nothing April 3, 2022, 16:30 MSC It is said that successful people are lazy people.
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