Kus sel talvel puhata? 5 hubast glampinghotelli täielikuks rebootiks
expert of the Russian Glamping Association Where to rest in nature in winter? Which glamping sites in Russia and the world to choose? Glamping is, in fact, a
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Kuidas arenevad Venemaal uued olümpiaspordialad? BMX-i ja surfingu elu
The Olympic Games are unique: the best sports, the strongest athletes from all over the world, new records and the close attention of millions of spectators. The Games
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Kuhu minna Venemaal sooja talve? 3 kohta, kus saab end soojendada ja hästi puhata
Tourism in Russia can be different: informative, resort, gastronomic, sporting, event, business and warm. The latter is especially relevant in the cold season, when you want to go
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What do travelers go to in pursuit of beautiful shots? The downside of photo tourism
photo traveler, director of Magnet photo agency and photo school What subtleties can you encounter on a photo tour? What do you need to know? You don’t have
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Kuidas õppida murdmaasuusatama? Professionaalse sportlase näpunäited algajale
What do I need to know before I start cross-country skiing? How to prepare for skiing? The master of sports in biathlon answers. When three centimeters of snow
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Miks on suusatajatel ja lumelauasõitjatel vaja jõusaali?
What athletic qualities can riders develop in a fitness club? Why do you need additional physical activity besides the slope? A professional snowboarder and a master of sports
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How to lose weight playing computer games? 5 sports activities from the VR world
How does the body react to VR? What sports games exist in virtual space? How does VR affect training? Answers from the founder of the VR GO project
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10 riiki, kuhu on reisijatele raske jõuda igal aastaajal
What difficulties can you encounter before entering some countries? Answered by a traveler who has traveled to 135 countries. Now, because of the pandemic, traveling is like a
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"Kalda tipus - hirmutav!" Meie olümpialase päevik esimestest päevadest Pekingis
We are only three days away from the event we are eagerly awaiting. This year’s Winter Olympics are being held in Beijing. Some athletes have already arrived on
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How do I get started in speed skating? Instructions for beginners
Where to start speed skating? How much does the equipment cost? How should you train? Let’s talk to the pros. This year’s Red Bull Ice Cross 2022 World
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