Milline on õige viis kuuma ilmaga joosta. Vastab ultramaratoonar
ultramarathoner, founder and coach of the ERA running club What are the dangers of jogging in the heat? What time of day can you run in the summer?
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3 Venemaa kuurorti, kus saab lõõgastuda ja parandada oma tervist
Health cannot be bought, but it can be improved. And it is even more pleasant to do it during a vacation in a fascinating colorful place with a
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Kuhu sõita Sotšist elektrirongiga. 3 kasulikku soovitust kohalikult elanikult
President of Pro-Vision, author of Vinogradov.story community Where can you go from Sochi by train? What interesting places can be visited? As a native of Sochi, I spent
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Fotode järgi spordiala ära arvata ei olegi nii lihtne. Testime end "Meistrivõistluste" testiga.
Guessing a sport from a photo is not so easy. Let’s test ourselves with the “Championship” test Margarita Ivannikova July 22, 2022, 08:05 MSC Can you tell the
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4 ökoloogiliselt puhast ja lummavat kohta Venemaal. Reisija märkused
Eco-rest in nature, away from civilization – something that residents of big cities need at least once a year. It is also one of the long-standing trends in
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Kus ja mida süüa autoreisi ajal. 3 turvalist viisi
When traveling by car, you often want to have a snack, but this is no reason to indulge in the usual “road” products: instant soups and sandwiches. It
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Kas on tõsi, et kõik surfajad on nii õnnelikud ja vabad?
Stereotypes about surfers abound. Some people probably think they are lean boys in shorts, with blue eyes and long blond hair. They smile a lot and greet each
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Mida Moskvas ühe päevaga näha. 3 meeldejäävat kohta
Moscow is so diverse, unique and large-scale that it would be impossible to tell you about itself in just a few hours, if you wanted to. But it
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Mida teil peaks olema aega teha enne suve lõppu. Meistrivõistluste kontrollnimekiri
What you should have time to do before the end of the summer. Championship checklist Margarita Ivannikova August 1, 2022, 21:45 MSC You still have a whole month
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Kus sõita sapas Moskvas. 7 ilusa vaatega kohta
In the summer of 2022, Moscow continues to be gripped by water fever. The sport, which appeared in Russia in 2014, continues to grow rapidly, and also to
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