Kus jalutada Moskvas kahekesi? Top 5 romantilist kohta talviseks kohtumiseks
On the eve of New Year’s Eve, the mood is romantic. Everything is covered with white snow, the streets are lit up with colorful garlands, and New Year
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Mängud, maratonid, festivalid. Valides 2022. aasta kõige eredama ürituse
Games, marathons, festivals. Choosing the brightest event of 2022 Svetlana Ibragimova December 30, 2022, 13:30 MSK Vote for the event that you remember the most. We are sure
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Kui palju maksavad hip-hopi tunnid lapsele? Sportlase ema loeb kulud kokku
The most active and energetic children are most often enrolled in sports. Movement helps young athletes to open up, develop and acquire communication skills with peers and adults.
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Kas on realistlik puhata uue aasta pühadel nagu puhkusel? Jah! 7 nõuannet neuropsühholoogilt
The long-awaited favorite period is approaching – New Year vacations. Perhaps, vacation is expected even more than the most important night of the year. For many people, the
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5 hubast uusaastatraditsiooni NSV Liidust, ilma milleta puhkust enam ei kujutata ette.
No holiday is without traditions, and especially New Year’s Eve. On this day everything is magical and cozy in a special way. The family gathers together, a huge
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Mida teha Türgis talvel? 4 ideed kogenud reisijalt
TV presenter, traveler, traveled 56 countries around the world Winter vacation in almost any country in the world will be different from summer vacation. Turkey has its own
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Et aasta oleks edukas. 9 enesearengu raamatut, mida tasub puhkuse ajal lugeda
A long weekend is a great excuse not only to have fun, but also to spend time in a useful way. If all the New Year’s movies have
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Kuidas põletada 3000 kalorit pärast aastavahetuse puhkust? 7 tõhusat viisi
Holidays give us the opportunity to enjoy pleasant, but not healthy food. Delicious salads, desserts, fried dishes have one significant disadvantage – a large number of calories. And
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NSVList armastusega: 14 sooja uusaastakaarti, mis on üle 50 aasta vanad
From the USSR with love: 14 warm New Year cards that are more than 50 years old Margarita Ivannikova January 3, 2023, 16:15 MSC Let’s remember how our
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5 hämmastavat kohta Moskva piirkonnas kogu perega reisimiseks. Toimetaja valik
President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community New Year and Christmas holidays are the most magical time to discover the Moscow region. Snow-covered forests, majestic architecture, parks,
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