Puhkus kehale ja hingele: parimad retriitide ja joogareiside kohad Venemaal
If you want to change group classes in fitness clubs or studios for something more interesting, we recommend you to take a look at yoga tours. This is
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Maailma äärel: 5 põhjust, miks peaks vähemalt korra elus Kuriili saartel käima
President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community “When looking at a map of the Russian Far East, sooner or later one pays attention to the elongated archipelago
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
"Tõusin diivanilt ja jooksin": kolme Moskva maratonidel osalenu lood kõikidest Moskva maratonidest
There are only a few days left before the country’s main running event. This weekend the Moscow Marathon will take place in the capital, this year for the
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Jalta Mukhtar ja teisi lugusid koerte armastusest ja pühendumisest
In Yalta in August, a dog named Mukhtar, who had been waiting 12 years for his master’s return, died. The dog came to the embankment every day and
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Muusika veekogude juures, jalgrattasõit mägedes ja palju ekstreemspordialasid. Mida teha New Star Weekendil?
This week, from September 21 to 24, Rosa Khutor will host the annual fall festival New Star Weekend – 2023. Hiking with Anton Belyaev, movie screenings, cycling in
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Kaljud, meri ja tuletorn: Sahhalin kogenud reisija silmade läbi
Rocks, sea and lighthouse: Sakhalin through the eyes of an experienced traveler Vladimir Vinogradov September 24, 2023, 13:15 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Kuldne sügis Moskva parkides: 5 ideed hubaseks nädalavahetuse jalutuskäiguks
Golden autumn in Moscow parks: 5 ideas for cozy weekend walks Vladimir Vinogradov September 28, 2023, 13:45 MSK Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
A hike in the mountains with Belyaev and a scene on the helipad. How was New Star Weekend?
A hike in the mountains with Belyaev and a scene on the helipad. How was New Star Weekend? Andrei Pankov October 3, 2023, 18:10 MSC Audio version: Your
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Koht, kus lihtsad inimlikud rõõmud ei ole unustatud: mida näha Usbekistanis?
President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community “Every country is unique in its own way, but Uzbekistan stands out even against the background of other Central Asian
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Kuhu minna puhkusele sügisel-2023: 5 sihtkohta, kus saab suve pikendada
Where to go on vacation in fall-2023: 5 destinations where you can extend summer Vladimir Vinogradov October 15, 2023, 13:15 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support
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