3 kõige kahjulikumat toodet sportlastele. Mida tuleks treeningu ajal vältida?
What to exclude from the diet before the competition? What foods are harmful to the training process? Let’s find out together with the world boxing champion and candidate
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6 kuuma alternatiivi kohvile. Millised joogid hoiavad teid soojana?
nutritionist What to drink to keep warm? What to drink in winter instead of coffee? Rosehip decoction Rose hips contain vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, PP) and
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Kuidas valida õige valk? On olemas 5 põhitüüpi
Ekaterina Lyubaeva MD, doctor of the highest category, sports medicine doctor, nutritionist, medical director of Halsa. What kind of protein is protein and how does it differ? Which
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Millega asendada või? 4 tervislikku alternatiivi
nutrition expert, founder of the GetVegetable nutrition delivery service What is butter harmful? What can I replace it with? Butter is a milk fat obtained by whipping cream.
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Glasuuritud juustukoogid ei ole ohtlikud mitte ainult figuurile. Kuidas nad võivad teie tervist rikkuda?
Are cottage cheese curds useful? Is it possible to eat them on a diet? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. Cheese curd is a favorite treat for
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Mis juhtub kehaga, kui süüa iga päev ingverit?
How useful is ginger? Does it help to lose weight and can it be eaten every day? We understand together with a nutritionist. A lot is known about
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Tatar on üks kõige kasulikumaid putrusid. Kuid seda tuleb korralikult keeta
Why is buckwheat considered healthy? Which one to choose? How to properly cook buckwheat porridge? Many people know from childhood that buckwheat is useful. However, not everyone knows
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Mis juhtub kehaga, kui sa iga päev keefiri jood?
nutrition expert, founder of the GetVegetable nutrition delivery service Should I drink kefir every day? Who should not abuse kefir? It is believed that kefir appeared in the
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Miks peavad sportlased sööma banaane? Tennisemängijad söövad neid viis tükki mängu kohta
What are the benefits of bananas? Why do many athletes eat them during matches and training? Let’s find out together with a coach and nutritionist. Bananas are the
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Kuidas kaalust alla võtta uueks aastaks? 2 lihtsat sammu, mis aitavad teil oma eesmärki saavutada
How to lose weight for the holidays to fit into your favorite outfit? Experts answer. On the eve of the most magical holiday, many solemnly vow to start
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