Before popularity: what famous footballers looked like at 17 years old
Nowadays, the lives of famous soccer players are watched by millions of people. Players of top teams are recognized by fans in completely different parts of the world.
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Alice Schmidt on Saksamaalt pärit sportlane, kes on vallutanud Instagrami
Alice Schmidt is an athlete from Germany who has conquered Instagram March 31, 2020, 22:40 MCK She was recognized as the sexiest athlete in the world. German runner
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Karistused. Mis juhtub, kui töötate nädalavahetusel
Penalties. What happens if you work during the weekend Valeria Barinova April 1, 2020, 12:05 MSK Punishment will affect those who violate the quarantine without a good reason.
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Kordus ei ole soovitatav: põnevad trikid parkuuri maailmast
It’s getting harder and harder to surprise people these days. But there are parkourists in the world who can definitely argue with this statement. For those who are
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Teine ilu: kuidas atraktiivsed tüdrukud nägid välja NSV Liidus
Soviet times are still often remembered, although almost 30 years have passed since the collapse of the USSR. A lot of things back then were very different from
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Lapsed kodus: mida hõivata oma last karantiini ajal
Now kindergartens are temporarily out of operation, and schoolchildren have gone on vacation. Children are forced to stay at home on quarantine, and parents have to entertain them.
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Medvedeva vs. Zagitova: kuidas iluuisutajad eraldiseisvalt tellijate tähelepanu köidavad
States around the world have resorted to serious quarantine measures due to the rapid spread of coronavirus infection. Titled figure skaters Evgenia Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova have also
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Karantiin aprillis: mis muutub linnaelus
Quarantine measures are currently being introduced in many regions of Russia to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The current week has been declared a non-working week, and
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Mida sel nädalavahetusel vaadata? Valik filme, kus on uimastavate figuuridega näitlejannad
Watching movies and TV series is among the top popular activities in the conditions of self-isolation. And to ensure that forced home vacations do not translate into extra
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"Tõde oli meie eest varjatud". 6 filmi, mis ennustasid koronaviiruse pandeemiat
Deadly viruses were often the basis of the plot of Hollywood and not only movies. Some of them were so realistic that after watching them, it became uncomfortable
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