Mis juhtub kehaga, kui sööte iga päev kikerherneid
Chickpeas are beans that resemble large peas and are somewhat similar to hazelnuts. This vegetable product is a real boon for those who do not eat meat, because
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Kilogrammid, mida meeles pidada: 7 kõige kaloririkkamat toitu üle kogu planeedi
Kilograms to remember: 7 of the most calorie-laden dishes from around the planet Dina Chikhireva April 13, 2021, 22:45 MSC You should be careful with local delicacies if
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Üks on sõdalane põllul: kuidas jälgida oma toitumist, kui lähedased ei toeta sind?
Unfortunately, people at home often sabotage the decision to switch to a healthy diet by tempting them with “forbidden food”. In fact, this behavior is typical not only
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Vefir, veguschenka, smevetana: milliseid teisi vegan asendajaid võib leida kauplustes
Today, many people refuse dairy products or any animal products at all. However, it is not so easy to restructure the diet and exclude the usual milk, sour
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Miks te ei peaks oma toidust välja jätma rasva?
Why you should not exclude lard from your diet? April 19, 2021, 16:30 MSC There are a lot of myths around this product, but not all are true.
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Tee zen'ile läbi kõhu: mis on "mugavustoit" ja kuidas see võib teid aidata
The path to zen through the stomach: what ‘comfort’ food is and how it can help you April 20, 2021, 6:45 p.m. MSC It’s not always fast food.
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Teine hammustus: mida teha, kui olete alati näljane
Do you often feel that after a big meal, your hand still reaches for a slice of pizza and then for a cake? It seems that you have
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Mida süüa kinosaalis filmi ajal? 5 tervislikku suupistevõimalust
Scientists have proven that eating during a movie is not a good idea. While watching something, you don’t notice how much you eat and you don’t control your
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Mis juhtub, kui te kaotate oma toidust puuviljad?
What happens if you eliminate fruit from your diet? April 29, 2021, 18:45 MSC. Some of them contain as much sugar as desserts. The human body needs many
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Miks ei saa ainuüksi toitumisega ainevahetust kiirendada?
Your metabolism not only determines how quickly you absorb nutrients, but also how long you stay satiated and how quickly you digest your food. It is believed that
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