Millised burgerid on tervislikumad - liha- või taimepõhised? Mõlemal on puudused
Which burgers are healthier – meat or plant-based? Both have their minuses December 11, 2021, 19:35 MSC The bun matters, too, according to scientists from Illinois. How are
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Kuidas valmistada PP suvikõrvitsakooke? Samm-sammult retsept
How to cook PP zucchini brownies? Step-by-step recipe Teresa Danilova December 12, 2021, 10:35 MSC A useful dessert without extra calories. Cooking a delicious brownie from the secret
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Kas ma võin trenni ajal vett juua ja kuidas see mõjutab minu tulemusi?
Can I drink water during exercise? When and how much should I drink? Why do we drink so much water? Let’s find out together with trainers and a
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Kas juust põhjustab õudusunenägusid? Mõned inimesed süüdistavad seda oma murettekitavate unenägude eest.
Does cheese really cause nightmares? Is it possible to eat cheese before going to bed? Let’s find out together with the candidate of psychological sciences. It is said
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Kuidas kohvi õigesti juua ja millistes kogustes? Teadlased on tuletanud "elujõu" ideaalse valemi
How to drink coffee properly and in what quantities? Scientists have derived the ideal formula of “vigor” December 16, 2021, 07:00 MSC To get the benefit of the
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Munad on kasulikud kehakaalu langetamisel. Milline on õige viis neid süüa?
What are the benefits of eggs? Is it possible to eat them when losing weight? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. Eggs are one of the most
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Praetud köögiviljad võivad olla tervislik suupiste, kuid seda mõjutavad mitmed tegurid.
Stir-fried vegetables can be a healthy snack, but several factors influence this December 17, 2021, 17:05 MSC It’s not so categorical, say scientists from Mexico and Spain. What
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Test: kas te joote liiga palju kohvi? Mitu tassi päevas ei riku teie tervist.
Test: do you drink too much coffee? How many cups a day will not ruin your health December 17, 2021, 20:35 MSC Almost 70% of people in Russia
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Kuidas mõjutab suhkrustatud limonaad aju? Isegi üks jook avaldab mõju
How does sugary soda affect the brain? Even one drink will have an effect December 17, 2021, 22:45 MSC It’s no surprise that soda can make you healthy,
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4 müüti puuviljade kohta, mis on aeg unustada. Kuidas ja millal peaks neid sööma?
certified nutritionist, member of the Russian Union of Nutritionists and Nutritionists Which fruits are best to eat at what time? Many online sources claim that you can get
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