"Kes selgelt mõtleb, see ütleb ka selgelt." Kuidas mõjutavad parasiitlikud sõnad meie elu?

The essence of the phenomenon is indicated by its very name. “Parasites” are words that literally “parasitize” our speech. We resort to them in different situations, trying to camouflage the scarcity of thought or poverty of vocabulary. But in practice it turns out quite the opposite. Monologue, consisting entirely of “by the way”, “well”, “mmmm”, “this very thing”, in many situations as best as possible shows the intellectual failure of the speaker.

However, this is not all. Parasite words have other functions. They can be markers of the speaker’s emotional state, a way to wait for an acceptable answer. Finally, many words and expressions-parasites are used to present oneself as a person who is not a stranger to fashion trends.

What do psycholinguists say?

The science of psycholinguistics studies human speech, the process of its emergence, mechanisms of information transmission and ways of functioning. Specialists from this field believe that certain phrases and expressions can say much more about the speaker than he wants to inform about himself.

Psycholinguists also pay attention to words-parasites: why they appear in the speech of a significant part of society (or any segment of it) at one time or another. What are these processes connected with? How do words enter the lexicon, take root in it, and why do they go out of use?

Imprints of epochs

If we approach the problem from this point of view, everything turns out to be much deeper than just “poor speech, scanty thought”. To a great extent, this is explained by the so-called linguistic consciousness formed in different historical periods.

Thus, the speech of even the educated part of society in the times of the USSR abounded with strange, at first glance , insertions: “this very thing”, “so to speak”. Here a person made a rather significant pause. Why? In order not to say too much. For an innocent anecdote one could get a real sentence.

In the speech of contemporaries, the word “shorter” is often used. Psycholinguists consider it a vivid sign of our time, which is characterized by eternal haste, the need to plan everything literally to the minute. By saying “shorter”, we seem to hint to the interlocutor about the need to value time.

Psychological markers

By the way, just met you “as if” – initially absolutely neutral expression, synonymous with the comparative union ” as if”. In fact, it is used in this sense in the sentence above. But at some point it became a kind of parasite….

Remember, with what expression one usually says: “Well, I’m kind of ready.” There is a hint of insecurity, and at the same time the desire to make it significant. It is considered a sign of infantilism: the speaker as if shifting responsibility to another, giving him the opportunity to change the plan, something to replay.

Another interesting example. The tendency of a person to often repeat the phrase “in fact” may indicate his excessive self-confidence and even egoism. He is sure of his rightness – everything he says should be taken unconditionally, not subject to discussion. In fact, that is the only way – and no other way!

At the same time, any “really” is based solely on a person’s own experience and personal opinion. Therefore, it cannot be the truth in the last instance.

“You understand”, “you yourself understand”. These words, on the contrary, signal uncertainty. The speaker in this way is trying, if not to shift the responsibility for the result of the conversation to the other person, then at least to remove part of it from himself.

Those who often repeat the parasitic words “just”, “that is”, “in general” feel the same way – insecure , constantly aadressil doubt . They are mistrustful, dependent on the influence of others, ready to change their point of view even with a little pressure.

Strange as it may seem, but the word “like “, widespread among young people, is a symptom of internal conservatism, adherence to the established model of the world order. These people are not ready to give up their point of view and convey it in a very aggressive way. Just like those who intersperse their speech with constant “means”, “so it is”.

“In fact”, “in fact ” – words that indicate that your interlocutor is ambitious, perhaps pedantic, firmly adheres to his line. Facts are more important to him than assumptions. He bases his relations with the world and people on them.

Particles “well”, “here” occur in speech so often that we almost do not notice them. However, they have not ceased to be parasites. These words – markers of the need to increase their own importance, to attract your attention.

Fashion trend

Often words-parasites literally burst into our lives and actively circulate in speech for more or less a long time. So, in the 90s, under the influence of exalted speeches of one politician, the words “yes”, “of course and other statements were almost completely replaced by the categorical “unequivocally”.

It is not always possible to say exactly how this or that word, which for some reason suddenly became popular, appeared. Sometimes they can come from cult movies, books.

Now, perhaps, few people will be able to get to the original source of the already mentioned parasite “as if”. And its history is quite curious. It is believed that in its time the phrase was a kind of marker of belonging to the educated part of society.

The fact is that the particle “as if” is often found in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky. For connoisseurs of his works, this word in the interlocutor’s speech was a stop-signal: his own! In this way strangers recognized each other, understood that they had something to talk about.

But as time passed, “as if” descended “from heaven to earth”, penetrated into the speech of those who have little idea of the great writer’s work. That is, it became an ordinary word-parasite.


Another moment – when words-parasites perform the role of “cultural” replacement of foul language.

The trouble is that sometimes the person who inserts the word “blin”, “yo-moe” does not even realize that his speech is generously seasoned with ordinary mat. And, despite the outwardly decent form, in fact, these parasites – only a poor attempt to disguise the banal lack of education. Nothing else.

Hidden meanings

A word can either inspire or kill. This simple truth is true of all layers of our speech. Including “trash” vocabulary, words-parasites.

So far, we have talked mainly about interjections, words-linkages. But in the role of parasites can act and full-fledged word combinations. It is believed that by saying them, a person sets himself a certain situational or even life program.

  • “Wow!” Often we exclaim like this in a situation of strong surprise, shock. And we do not think about the fact that we wish ourselves… nothing. More precisely – nothing good. The speaker sets himself a certain model: poverty, lack of wealth, prosperity. Put a stop to this expression and see if anything changes in your life.
  • “I’m shocked.” Well, why with your own hands, or rather, speech and consciousness, create a psychotraumatizing situation for yourself? Pronouncing these words, you create all the conditions for emotional instability and related physical problems.
  • “Toad strangles.” Yes, everything is understandable, it can be difficult to part with money, which is always not enough. But try to visualize what was said: a huge, hypertrophied toad has settled on your chest, has enclosed you in its slimy embrace. You’re trying in vain to break free. Cute picture?
  • “Crazy!” Is this really what you want? If not, stop being crazy in the figurative sense. Even if some situation is beyond comprehension. Better to spend some time verbalizing what shocked you. “This is a very beautiful landscape! I’m in total awe of the mountain peaks/sea expanses/forest trails.” Or, “The situation is so difficult that I can hardly imagine how to get out of it.”
  • “Nightmare!” Another word-parasite that we put in everywhere we go on and off. Of course, no one thinks about the essence of the phenomenon: an evil spirit that suffocates a person.

And without them?

Sometimes without them there is really no way. We are all living people with our own peculiarities of speech. But there is one property common to all. Speech is a spontaneous process (unless, of course, it is not a memorized role or a carefully rehearsed performance). And it can not always be perfectly smooth, smooth, without pauses, hesitations and interruptions.

In a number of cases, words-parasites play the role assigned to them, which is quite appropriate to the situation. In communication with friends, there is no need to adhere to formal etiquette all the time. Therefore, evaluative “tinny, approving “theme”, admiring wow!” will be quite appropriate.

But make sure that these words do not take root in speech and consciousness. Otherwise, they will start to slip in where they are not expected: at school, work. In general, everything must be in moderation. And so it is here: if you do not overdo it, you can give the speech a certain emotional coloring.

Another function of words-parasites – what in the science of language is usually called economy of speech means.

“Will you help me understand the computer? – No problem!”, “Are you ready to go out yet? – Well!” When interlocutors are in informal relations, words-parasites are acceptable in communication.

There is nothing shameful in purposefully “parasitize” speech by parodying someone you know who speaks in this way. In this case, trying on someone’s role, you are literally acting “for fun”. But again – you need to know the measure in everything.

In addition, words-parasites have their own functions. They are different for the one who speaks, and for the one who listens.

  • The speaker uses them to hide the pauses that arise at the moment when a person needs to “catch the thought” or pick up the necessary word.
  • Listener parasites interfere with the listener to fully perceive the information. This is their negative property. At the same time, a trained person will easily recognize the existing problem behind pauses and garbage vocabulary. And with this in mind will build further communication.

How to get rid of words-parasites?

Recipes to get rid of embolophrasy (this is how scientists call the tendency to litter speech with words-parasites) a lot. Here are some of them.

1. Dictaphone. A fairly simple and effective method. Record your speech (it is better not prepared in advance, but spontaneous) on a dictaphone. This device is available in almost any modern smartphone.

Listen to the recording. Are you satisfied with what you heard? Count how many times you heard “geez”, “like”, “well” or any other words and expressions not directly related to the topic of conversation.

Recall what exactly you were thinking or wanting to say at that moment. Analyze the situation of the pause. Why did it arise? What kind of difficulty did you experience at that moment?

2. Write down what you said. Only this time you should write not on a tape recorder, but by hand. Try making a transcript of the sound track from the paragraph above.

This is a rather laborious, time-consuming activity. But the effect from it will definitely be. First, just write down what you said. Word for word, including all the “uh’s”, “mmmm’s”, “here”, “well”.

Read what you have written. Do you understand this text well?

Now turn on your inner editor. Remove all the garbage words and read the text again. Is it clearer? We should strive for this kind of presentation of thoughts.

3. Pauses. Do not be afraid to allow short intervals of silence in conversation. At first it is better to test this method on your loved ones. Warn them that now you are working on your speech to get rid of trash vocabulary.

Every time you are about to say (or even have already said) a parasite word, stop. Take a breath, exhale… During this time, your train of thought should be restored.

If you do this regularly, you will see the pauses getting shorter and shorter. You will develop the useful habit of thinking through what you are going to say without unnecessary ligatures and insertions.

4. Reading aloud. This method is very effective in working on speech. It is important not just to mechanically voice someone else’s text, but to think about its essence. To enhance the effect, you can record the reading on a tape recorder, and then listen to your speech – correct, competent, without unnecessary words.

5. Vastupidine meetod. See seisneb selles, et sõna "parasiit" korratakse mitukümmend, sadu või isegi tuhandeid kordi. Miks? Sisu on lihtne: mingil hetkel "nablinkaem" või "nunukaemya" lõpuks nii, et pealetükkiv sõna ei tekita midagi muud kui püsivat vastikust.

6. Plakat. Selle meetodi põhiolemus on sarnane eelmisele. Suurte tähtedega kirjutage suurele paberilehele oma sõnad-parasiidid. Riputage silmapaistvale kohale - sõna otseses mõttes nii, et nad suuavad silmi, keelavalt häirivad.

7. Töötage koos. Paluge pereliikmel või sõbral - kellelgi, kellega te suurema osa ajast koos veedate - jälgida teie kõnet. Iga kord, kui ütlete välja mõne "lemmiksõna", laske sellel inimesel seda teile tagasi karjuda. Pidage meeles: mingil hetkel hakkate teid abistava inimese peale kindlasti pahaseks minema. Hoidke end kontrolli all: te palusite seda inimest teha. Igasugusest kiindumusest vabanemine ei ole kunagi lihtne!

Radikaalne võimalus on rahaline karistus. Summa võib olla sümboolne, 5-10 rubla iga sõna-parasiidi kohta. Muide, võib-olla esialgu võib isegi tunduda, et see on parim meetod. Vaadake, kui palju koguneb päeva jooksul. Võimalik, et just "katastroofi" ulatuse mõistmine on hea stiimul oma kõne kallal töötamiseks.

8. Avalik esinemine. Räägi võimalikult palju publiku ees. Pole tähtis, kas see on kõne tööl või sõprade seltskonnas. Igal juhul mõelge läbi, millisel teemal soovite rääkida. Võite isegi teha plaani ja eelnevalt harjutada.

Selle harjutuse peamine eesmärk on vabaneda hirmust publiku ees, arendada avalikult esinemise ühtset oskust.

9. Kõne tempo. Töötage selle nimel, et rääkida teile sobivas tempos. Vahel juhtub, et sõnad-parasiidid kiiluvad kõnesse, kui hakkame liiga "krigisema", püüdke öelda võimalikult palju lühikese ajaga. Sellisel juhul kaotame hinge, tekivad pausid, mida püüame täita millegi muuga.

10. Sõnade asendamine. Meetod ei ole vastuoluline, kuid see võib kellegi jaoks toimida. Iga kord, kui kavatsete öelda tuttava sõna-parasiit, aeglustage järsku ja muutke see vähemalt "lennukiks" või vähemalt "gladiolaks". Sellise asendamise sisuks on see, et ütlus muutub koomiliseks kuni mõttetuks. Järgmine kord hammustad kindlasti keelde, enne kui lisad "üldiselt", "nagu", "nagu" jne.

Kõne ei ole lihtsalt sõnade ja lausete kogum, mida ta lausub. See peegeldab meie sisemaailma, on omamoodi baromeeter inimese meeleseisundist ja mõtetest. Mitte asjata ütles prantsuse luuletaja Nicola Boileau: "Kes mõtleb selgelt, see ütleb ka selgelt".

Seepärast peaksite kõigepealt püüdma endasse kaevata. Kas teie sisemistel "riiulitel" on kõik korras? Kas poleks aeg teha audit ja vabaneda ebavajalikest, aegunud, iganenud asjadest?

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