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Kuidas korralikult maisi küpsetada. 3 lihtsat reeglit

Benita Strelchenko

Benita Strelchenko

How to cook corn properly

The dish can be added to the children’s diet or to a healthy menu for an adult.

Corn is a very common product. It is grown in many countries, and used for food all year round. Grains are rich in vitamins: PP, E, D, K, B vitamins (B1, B2) and ascorbic acid. In the cobs of this plant are valuable minerals: salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, as well as trace elements: nickel and copper. In corn protein there are essential amino acids: tryptophan and lysine.

100 g of raw corn contains 2.5 g of fiber, and the same amount of boiled corn contains 2.7 g of fiber. So how to boil corn to make it tasty and not lose its properties? The chef tells us.

Benita Strelchenko

ImmunoHealth immunodietoloogiakliiniku peakokk, brändi-kokk

Corn comes in two different varieties: feed corn and sugar corn. Both can be consumed, but the sugar corn tastes better. Corn season is August through September. But how to boil it so that it turned out tasty? To do this, it is necessary to choose the right popular grain.

Rules of boiling corn

When choosing corn it is very important that the cobs were yellow, soft, green leaves, without blackness. The more saturated the color of the grains, the older it is – the cooking time will increase.

Before you cook corn, you need to take two important steps:

  • Take a large pot with a thick bottom;
  • clean the corn from leaves and lint, rinse it;

Then bring the water to a boil and put the corn in the pot. Don’t cut it, put it in the pot whole to maximize the juice retention. Add a little butter. Cook over medium heat for 20-30 minutes, five minutes before the corn is ready, salt the corn. Drain the water, cover with a lid and wrap in a towel for 10-15 minutes.

The average cooking time of corn is from 20 to 40 minutes. After boiling it should be eaten immediately, because after cooling it starts to harden. Boiled corn can be stored in the refrigerator (well packed each cob) for three to four days, warm it up before use.

Corn in various forms is recommended to include in children’s diet and in the composition of various diets, as it provides the body with essential trace elements and vitamins.

Corn can be replaced with vegetables. On how to cook them correctly, read the link below.

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