Sports in October. What to do for lovers of an active lifestyle?
October is the month of the most beautiful leaves, the most romantic rain and
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Kuidas aitab hea rannapuhkus oma keha "üles pumbata"?
How to have a healthy vacation at the beach? How can you improve your
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Dessert lihaste jaoks: 5 magusat valgu retsepti, mis ei tee teie joonisele haiget
Nowadays, the world of desserts has become so diverse that healthy sweets have taken
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4 ilusat raamatute marsruuti, mida soovite korrata
What places from travel books are worth seeing in person? What places are worth
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Sportswomen, Komsomol members and just plain beauties: 10 famous Soviet athletes
They say that Russia has the best girls. And for good reason. Russian beauties
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Kanada Kelsey Bonas sõi varem neli korda päevas burgerit. Nüüd on ta aastaga kaotanud 76 kilo.
Kelsey Lynn Bonas, at the age of 32, boasts 13 thousand followers on Instagram.
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Ma tahan sinna minna: kosmoselaeva kujuline hotell Elbruse mäe tipus.
I want to go there: a hotel in the form of a spaceship on
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Sport-chic: how to combine comfort and fashion
Sportswear has long been a part of every basic closet. In order to wear
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Kõike süüa ja mitte rasvuda on võimalik. Teadlased on leidnud ohukuse geeni
Eating anything and not getting fat is possible. Scientists have found a gene for
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Test: Kas sa suudad ellu jääda, kui sa eksid metsa või mägedesse?
Test: Can you survive if you get lost in the forest or in the
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