Is the climate you live in right for you and how do you find your ideal climate?
physician, neuropsychologist, psychosomatologist “Climatic conditions can have a significant impact on a person’s internal
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7 trendikat päikeseprillimudelit ja juhised oma ideaalse kuju valimiseks
Today, sunglasses are not only a necessary attribute that performs the protective function of
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This man has been recognized as the happiest man in the world. Discovering Mathieu Ricard’s secret
Before becoming a monk, Mathieu Ricard was a genetic scientist, but decided to leave
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Maailma hommikusöögid: kuidas alustavad eri riigid oma päeva? Isiklik kogemus
I have repeatedly won grants to study at foreign universities, lived with foreign families,
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Millised spordirõivad panevad sind ilma meigita hästi välja nägema? Vaatame kuulsuste näiteid
stylist Any outfit starts with color. It is the first thing that catches the
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What is the “comfort zone”, does everyone need to leave it and how to do it? Psychologists’ breakdown
psychologist, developer of the theory of adaptive intelligence “Coaches often talk about the comfort
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Nutrioloog ütles meile, milliseid toiduaineid tuleks enne keetmist pesta ja milliseid mitte
Nutritionist, specialist in fitness nutrition and healthy lifestyle, FPA expert Nutrition must meet several
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6 typical signs of self-depreciation and 5 steps to start respecting yourself
analytical psychologist, psychosomatotherapist, coach “Self-depreciation is a pathological condition in which a person believes
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12 ülitrendikat teksapükse, mille seast leiad kindlasti oma ideaalsed teksad
Jeans have been and continue to be our favorite closet item. Denim pants are
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Bioloog nimetas 10 toitu, mis võivad varsti kaduda
Climate change and human activity are having a detrimental effect on nature. Already our
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