9 bright participants of VK Fest 2024: how did the fate of the “old guys” turn out and what surprises the youth?
Last year, the festival made it into the Russian Book of Records with staggering
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Kuidas valida oma ideaalsed uisud ja riietus uisuväljakule? Juhised CMC hokimängijalt
Ice skating is a great option for outdoor winter recreation. It is both sport
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What to cook for Christmas? Chef’s recipe for turkey in Asian sauce with vegetables
What to cook for Christmas? Chef’s recipe for turkey in Asian sauce with vegetables
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How to overcome a black streak in life? Step-by-step plan from a psychologist
Trouble doesn’t come alone. Sometimes it comes with a whole tabor of problems and
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Milline habe sobib teile? 10 praegust habemevormi ja juuksuri juhend, kuidas valida oma habemet.
In today’s world, the beard has become a symbol of style, maturity and uniqueness.
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Effortless weight loss. Sleeping without clothes triggers fat burning
Effortless weight loss. Sleeping without clothes triggers fat burning Oksana Potapova June 9, 2020,
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Psühholoog selgitas, kuidas määrata oma toksilisuse taset
Recently, the term “toxicity” is often mentioned in psychology, referring to a quality of
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From Shukhov’s tower to Luzhkov’s megaprojects: 7 Moscow engineering monuments
President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community “While architects have been shaping the
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How to cook semolina porridge without lumps? Chef’s recipe
How to cook semolina porridge without lumps? Chef’s recipe January 11, 2024, 15:45 MSC
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Mis juhtub kehaga, kui sa jooksed iga päev kuu aega
“A morning run makes your day better. Because nothing worse will happen to you.”
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