A doctor has named the top 5 exotic fruits worth including in your diet
endocrinologist, specialist in preventive and anti-age medicine at EMC “Exotic fruits are good to
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“Movement lifts a man up”: how to stay healthy and keep working at 78
Svetlana Kozyr has devoted her entire life to medicine. Despite her age, she still
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Juhend moodsate tuulepluuside kohta: 14 valikut - spordi ja linna jaoks
Outerwear for spring is always a variety. On the catwalks of fashion shows, designers
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Kallis: kui palju maksavad kõhulihased?
Mitte ainult mehed, vaid ka paljud tüdrukud unistavad sellest, et neil on kõhul kuubikud.
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What kind of person is called a conformist? Signs in appearance and behavior
neuropsychologist, neuraliner “In order to resist conformity, one must develop critical thinking and independent
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Nutriciologist told how to store pineapple so that it does not lose its beneficial properties
“The basis of the diet of most of us is made up of familiar
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Stilist nimetas kolm teksamudelit, mis lähevad naistele igas vanuses
Stylist named three models of jeans that go to women at any age Elena
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It’s like he’s vaporized. Where did the coronavirus go?
Many Russian cities, including Moscow, are gradually lifting restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus.
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The 5 types of happiness you can experience in life. A list from a psychologist
psychologist “We call happiness an emotional state in which we experience joy and a
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What to make with hercules other than porridge? 3 unusual recipes from the chef
What to make with hercules other than porridge? 3 unusual recipes from the chef
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