7 väärarusaama koronaviiruse kohta, mis võivad põhjustada haigestumist
Mankind has been fighting the COVID-19 pandemic for almost a year now. Nevertheless, the
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Kust tulevad "vietnamlased flashbackid" ja miks kohalikud ei päevita? 10 vau-fakti riigi kohta
The Russian national soccer team, despite the ban, still has international matches. Today, September
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Millised ujumisriided on moes? 55 võimalust - alates lihtsast ja mugavast kuni super-efektiivsete valikuteni.
Summer is in full swing, which means it’s time to enjoy hot days by
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How much kvass can you drink a day and how to choose it correctly? Recommendations of a gastroenterologist
Kvas is one of the most popular drinks during the hot summer months. It
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Escape the cold: how sport affects immunity
It is known that a healthy lifestyle has an impact not only on the
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Moscow City Day – 2024: date, program of events, playbill, whether there will be fireworks
“I love you, Moscow” – the day will come very soon when it is
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Millist soengut valivad jalgpallurid ja näitlejad? 3 võimalust stiilse "põllukultuuri" jaoks
“Cropped” is one of the most popular haircuts for many years. It attracts attention
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Hearty but light meals: 3 vegetarian recipes from the chef
Hearty but light meals: 3 vegetarian recipes from the chef Sergey Verevkin June 15,
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20 Jet Li tsitaati, mis aitavad sul ennast paremini tundma õppida ja tugevamaks saada
20 Quotes by Jet Li that will help you know yourself better and become
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Suurlinna sudu: epidemioloog nimetas koronaviiruse leviku uue põhjuse
It turns out that the spread and course of coronavirus infection is influenced by
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