A doctor-epidemiologist named 5 groups of products that cause botulism
Eating certain foods can cause botulism, a dangerous disease that can lead to death
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The real “rain man”: the incredible story of Kim Peek – the prototype of the main character of the movie
In this strange, clumsy man, who could hardly button his shirt and looked around
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Inhale and exhale: what is holotropic breathing
Holotropic breathing is a breathing therapeutic practice based on hyperventilation of the lungs. It
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Kuidas valida mütsi vastavalt oma näokujule ja seda stiilselt kombineerida? Üksikasjalikud juhised
Summer is in full swing, it’s hot outside and the sun is warm even
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How to make okroshka on kvass useful? A nutritionist gave advice on preparing summer soup
nutritionist-consultant, deputy director of ANO SIC “Healthy Nutrition” “Okroshka is an interesting and useful
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Kuidas te teate, kas teil on sotsiaalfoobia? 2 markerit käitumises ja füüsilistes ilmingutes
practicing psychologist, member of the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, Psychedemia expert “It’s hard
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Millist tätoveeringut pintsakule saada? 7 top visandit ja 25 näidet staaridest
international master tattoo expert “Tattoos on the hands are gaining popularity. People want to
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How to choose a ripe and sweet melon? Recommendations of a nutritionist
Nutritionist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, therapist, ozone therapist, IV therapist “Melon is a juicy and sweet
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Mis on Stockholmi sündroom ja kas see on tõesti olemas? Psühholoogi jaotus
practicing psychologist, member of the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, expert of “Psychedemia” “The
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It’s all in your head: why it’s important to look after your mental health
People are exposed to stress on a daily basis: studies, work, unfavorable situation in
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