We tell you who hipsters are. How do they look, think and live?
Tight jeans, plaid shirts, massive glasses and a cup of coffee in your hands…
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Tätoveeringud tüdrukute käel: millised kujundused on eriti populaarsed ja milline on nende tähendus. 10 fotot
Tattoos on the hands are no longer perceived by modern society as something marginal
SportFitly - sport, fitness ja tervis
Is more is better? How frequent water procedures affect the body
Everyone has a different attitude to water procedures. Some people can spend an hour
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Kuidas valmistada kõige maitsvamat okroshka keefiril? Saladused peakokalt
brand-chef of the food media platform Food.ru “Hearty and refreshing in the heat –
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How to survive the parting with a loved one? Step-by-step instructions from a psychologist
individual and family psychologist, CPT therapist “Breaking up with a loved one is a
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Rull ja guasha-kivid on näohoolduse hooaja mastiidid
Massage rollers and guasha stones have become more and more common in the accounts
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Millega kanda valgeid tosse, et teie välimus oleks kopeeritud? Juhised ja näited staaridelt
stylist “White sneakers have been in demand and popular for many years for both
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Arst-gastroenteroloog ütles, kas kvassist saab joobuda
Kvass contains a small amount of alcohol, but can it make you intoxicated and
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Enesehinnang: kust see tuleb ja kuidas seda arendada
psychologist, gestalt therapist, expert of “Psychedemia” “What is self-esteem? Let’s deal with it. From
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How does fish oil affect the body and why is it necessary?
Many people associate fish oil with an unpleasant taste and smell from their childhood,
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