Hirm jõusaali mineku ees - järjekordne vabandus või tõeline probleem?
Before going to the gym for the first time, many people doubted whether they
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Istuv eluviis: kuidas alustada treenimist ja mitte kahjustada oma keha?
Sedentary lifestyle: how to start exercising and not harm your body? Elena Pastarnak September
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Ilu flyhäkid TikTokist: kuidas nad võivad olla ohtlikud?
Why don’t some of the social networking tips work? Can beauty tips from TikTok
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What happens if you do yoga every day?
Yoga is a whole world with its own language, its own movements and its
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"Spordihaigused": millised haigused on tavalised profisportlaste seas?
What are the dangers of excessive exercise? What injuries are most often sustained by
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Why should you not drink alcohol before working out?
How does alcohol affect an athlete’s body? What can happen in training if a
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Mis juhtub kehaga treeningu ajal?
Sport helps you not only to lose weight or gain muscle mass. During training,
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Millised võivad olla matkamise ohud?
orthopedic traumatologist, chief podiatrist of the ORTEKA salon network What are the dangers of
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Kuidas aitavad spordirõivad kaasa tervislikule eluviisile?
How does clothing affect lifestyle and eating habits? Let’s find out together with a
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Miks esineb sportlastel vähem psüühikahäireid?
Why are athletes less likely to experience mental health disorders? September 19, 2021, 12:05
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