5 helpers on the way to slimness and wellness
champion of international fitness competitions Why do you need to drink vitamins during weight
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Miks rasvaimu ei ole imerohi? Ära kiirusta rasva "välja pumpama"
Does liposuction “cure” obesity? Is the effect of this procedure reversible? Let’s find out
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Test: kas te teate, kuidas sügisese "depressiooniga" toime tulla?
Why is it normal to feel sad in the fall? Do you know how
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Kuidas mõjutab ujumine tervist ja millal peaksite sinna minema?
How does a bath affect health and when should you go there? September 23,
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Millised on treeningul kükitamise ohud ja kuidas sellest vabaneda?
How does slouching affect training? Why is it dangerous to slouch? Let’s find out
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Mis juhtub kehaga, kui joote söögi asemel valgupirukat?
Is it possible to use protein instead of food for a week? How can
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Kuidas treenida, kui teil on südameprobleemid?
cardiologist, specialist in echocardiography and functional diagnostics at EMC Is it possible to do
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"Metalude" meie seas: ebatavalised haigused, mis näevad välja nagu supervõimed
What diseases are like superpowers? Let’s find out together with the doctor. Hundreds of
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Kuidas mitte haigestuda pärast treeningut? 7 nõuannet spordiarstilt
What to do not to get sick after training? How not to catch a
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Miks mõned inimesed elavad kauem? Teadlased on välja selgitanud, mis teeb nad eriliseks
What are the characteristics of long-lived people? How do they differ from people who
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