Millise temperatuuriga vesi peaks basseinis olema?
What temperature should the water be in the pool? Venera Erofeeva February 8, 2024,
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Psühhoterapeut nimetas 11 kevadise ägenemise märki. Kontrolli ennast
Psychiatrist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, scientific director of HSE “Spring aggravation is not a medical term,
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Kas huulte herpes on nakkav? Veneroloog selgitab, kas suudelda võib
Herpes, or “colds”, on the lips is a common enough phenomenon among people. The
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Meditsiiniteaduste kandidaat rääkis, millised on vanusepisikuga seotud ohud
Head of the pathomorphologic laboratory of LabQuest, Ph. “Often pigment spots on the facial
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George Clooney, Ronaldo ja veel 6 staarmeest, kes on teinud keha- ja näoplastika operatsiooni
Hollywood dictates its own rules of beauty, which even men are obliged to follow.
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Kuidas niisutada õhku korteris ilma niisutajata: 12 võimalust
The problem is especially acute during the heating season. Radiators work at full capacity
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Milline on õige viis elektrilise hambaharjaga hambaid pesta?
Brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush is much easier, faster and more effective
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Miks tekib tegelikult diabeet? Arst on andnud peamised põhjused
“Type 2 diabetes is a real scourge of modern times, which is diagnosed not
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Kas hinge kinni hoidmine treeningu ajal võib parandada sportlikku sooritust?
Breathing exercises are something that many followers of a healthy lifestyle know and practice.
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Neurocoach on nimetanud lõhnad, mis suurendavad keskendumist ja parandavad aju tööd
“In a world saturated with scents, we often fail to notice how much fragrances
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