Kas vesipiip on tõesti isegi ohtlikum kui sigaretid? Vastas arstiteaduste kandidaat
Head of the pathomorphologic laboratory of LabQuest Company, Ph. “Tobacco use in its various
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Kuidas valida elektritekk: füsioterapeut nimetas 4 kriteeriumi ja loetles võimalikke riske
Electric blankets are special devices in which the elements necessary to produce heat are
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Kas veregrupp võib määrata insuldi ja südameinfarkti riski? Vastab kardioloog
Can blood type determine the risk of stroke and heart attack? Answered by a
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Mis juhtub, kui sa neelad hamba alla? Vastab hambaarst
dentist, director of Revyline Dental Company “In my practice, issues related to tooth swallowing
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Kuidas käia vannis õigesti, ilma et see kahjustaks teie tervist? Arsti juhised
doctor, head of MINDVITA Academy of Health and Biohacking “It is important to know
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Miks mäletab aju pigem halba kui head? Neurocoach nimetas 3 põhjust
“Negative events and experiences are remembered much better than positive moments. We discuss them
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Kuidas vabaneda raskusest jalgades? 5 kasulikku harjutust ja arsti arvamus
Feeling heavy in the legs is a common cause of complaint for many people,
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Kuidas vältida neerukivide teket? 10 soovitust uroloogilt
Head of the Urology Department of the Federal Scientific and Research Center of FMBA
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Kas rasvumine on pärilik? Vastab arst
head of the bariatric medicine center of FMBA in Rostov-on-Don, surgeon, bariatric surgeon “According
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Kuidas mõjutab teie hammustus teie sportlikku sooritust? Ortodontoloogi koostatud jaotus
MD, PhD, dentist and orthodontist “Most athletes don’t begin dental work until after their
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