Võidu hind: traumaarst nimetas 5 kõige ohtlikumat spordiala
traumatologist-orthopedic surgeon, doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine at the Federal Medical Center
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Kuidas mõjutavad magnetilised tormid inimkeha? Neuroloog nimetas 5 ohtlikku tagajärge
How do magnetic storms affect the human body? Neurologist named 5 dangerous consequences Elena
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Testosteroonipuudus ja depressioon: söömishäire tunnused meestel
According to a survey conducted on more than 1,000 young Russians by the online
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Dr. Shishonini kaela võimlemine: 5 harjutust, arsti ja treeneri arvamused
Alexander Shishonin is a doctor, PhD, author of books, video blogger with more than
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5 skandinaavia elutarkust, et saada hea uni. Somnoloogi poolt hinnatud
Gallup’s World Happiness Reports research shows that people in Denmark, Finland and Iceland are
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Kuidas peaksid südamepatsiendid kuumuses käituma? 6 nõuannet kardioloogilt
How should cardiac patients behave in the heat? 6 tips from a cardiologist July
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Kuidas kuumuses vähem higistada? Arsti nõuanne
Heavy sweating in the heat not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to
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Mida teha, kui teil on kuumuses peavalu? Arst andis lihtsad soovitused
What to do if you have a headache in the heat? The doctor gave
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Hambaarst nimetab 7 asja, mida ei tohiks teha pärast hamba väljatõmbamist
Tooth extraction is a common medical procedure that can become necessary for a variety
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Prof. Kanevska ütles, kas vastab tõele, et suvel peaks kandma valgeid riideid.
Prof. Kanevskaya told whether it is true that you should wear white clothes in
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