certified yoga instructor
A trim figure with toned muscles is the dream and goal of many. But strength training alone is not enough for this: to have a truly athletic body, you need dynamic exercise, stretching and periods of recovery and rest. Yoga is good at combining all the elements needed to build beautiful muscles.
Utkatasana (chair pose)
Lähtepositsioon: standing.
Execution: sit as if on a chair, keeping balance. The pelvis is lowered down, the hips are parallel to the floor, the arms rush upward, opening the chest. The pose should be held for 5-6 breaths or a minute.
Mis töötab: leg muscles, back.
Virabhadrasana I (warrior pose I)
Lähtepositsioon: standing.
Execution: take a wide step back with the right leg, keeping the lunge position. The knee is above the heel, not going forward or backward, the back leg is straight. Arms spread to different sides, chin slightly upward, open the chest and tense the abs. The pose should be held for 5-6 breaths or a minute.
Mis töötab: leg muscles, back, abdomen.
Rudrasana (stupa pose)
Lähtepositsioon: standing, legs wider than shoulder width.
Execution: sit in a crouch, spread the toes of the feet in different directions. Knees are above the heels, the torso is perpendicular to the floor. Arms point upwards until straightening. In the pose you need to hold for 5-6 breaths or for a minute.
Mis töötab: arms, torso.
Chaturanga Dandasana (low plank)
Lähtepositsioon: upper rest, palms under the shoulders, straight legs resting on the toes or on the knees, the pelvis is slightly tilted, the lower back is flat.
Execution: bend the arms at the elbows so that the shoulder bones are parallel to the floor. The pose should be held for 5-6 breaths or a minute.
Mis töötab: arms, torso.
Chaturanga with wide arm placement
Initial position: lying down, arms spread wide, fingers of hands clenched and directed forward or opened in different directions.
Execution: similar to the previous asana.
Mis töötab: pectoral muscles, arms, torso.
Bakasana (crane pose)
Lähtepositsioon: squatting.
Execution: bend your arms at the elbows and place your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart. Feet are placed on the width of the pelvis behind the hands at a distance of ~30 cm. Knees rest in the armpits, weight is transferred to the arms and bend them slightly. Try to take one foot off the floor, then the other, keeping your balance. The pose should be held for 5-6 breaths or a little more.
Mis töötab: arms, abs, back.
Shalabhasana (locust pose)
Lähtepositsioon: lying on the floor on the stomach.
Execution: lift your arms and legs off the floor at the same time, lifting up at the expense of the back muscles. Take your arms back or forward, if your physical fitness allows. The pose should be held for 5-6 breaths or a minute.
What works: the tagasi.
Vasishthasana (side plank)
Lähtepositsioon: upper rest, palms under the shoulders.
Execution: heels tilt to the right, pull the left arm off the floor and pull it up, turning the whole body to the left. Push the pelvis up, not letting it sag. Hold the pose for 5-6 breaths or a minute.
Mis töötab: arms, abs.
Ardha Navasana (half boat pose).
Lähtepositsioon: lying on the back.
Execution: pull the upper back off the floor by pressing the lower back into it and stretching the arms in front of you. Make sure that the lower back is not off the ground. In the pose you need to hold for 5-6 breaths or for a minute.
Mis töötab: abs.
Lähtepositsioon: lying on your back, arms and legs at 30 degrees from the vertical of the body.
Execution: consciously relax, stretching the breath and noticing areas of the body with hypertonus, let go of tension.
Kasu: nervous system.
All asanas from the proposed list should be corrected if you have health problems. For example, remove the plank from the program if you know that you have problems with the joints in the wrists, or perform it from the elbows. If there are significant problems, consult a specialist – he will tell you what physical activity is suitable for you and whether you can safely perform the proposed asanas.