What to do if you have a panic attack? Instructions from a psychologist
In stressful and tense moments, it is more important than ever to stay calm.
How to cope with a panic attack? What to do to calm down?
Tell us together with a psychologist.
Panic attack is a potentially dangerous condition that is encountered more often than it may seem. In such a situation, it is important to know how to help yourself. After all, the usual “calm down” does not always work.
Praktiline psühholoog, kehaterapeut
If you have a panic attack, it is very important to “ground yourself”.
As a rule, a panic attack manifests itself as an attack of uncontrollable anxiety and fear and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:
- palpitations;
- shortness of breath;
- loss of touch with reality;
- tension;
- tremors throughout the body, etc.
If you have a panic attack:
- do not try to fight it;
- stay where you are if possible (if it is safe to do so);
- try to breathe slowly and deeply;
- remind yourself that sooner or later the panic will stop;
- try to focus on positive thoughts, as cliché as it sounds, think good thoughts;
- remember that this condition is not life-threatening.